Electronics Forum: soldering a coin to pcb (Page 1 of 15)

Surface mountable coin cell terminal shims or similar

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 03:22:43 EDT 2015 | pvogel

I'm looking for some SMD shims or something to solve this problem. We have a coin cell on a PCB and the side that contacts the PCB also has traces under the cell that don't connect to the cell. So I'm after some small dots of something suitable for

Soldering stranded wires to FR4 pcb

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 07:24:09 EDT 1998 | Howard Eccles

With current soldering of stranded wires to pcb assy's the wire tends to be very brittle and can break with very little movement of the wire. We use a low residue cored wire. Anybody with advice or who has seen a similar problem/knows how to overcome

Re: Soldering stranded wires to FR4 pcb

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 21:17:04 EDT 1998 | Scott McKee

| | With current soldering of stranded wires to pcb assy's the wire tends to be very brittle and can break with very little movement of the wire. We use a low residue cored wire. Anybody with advice or who has seen a similar problem/knows how to over

Re: Soldering stranded wires to FR4 pcb

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 14:36:11 EDT 1998 | Jeff Sanchez

| With current soldering of stranded wires to pcb assy's the wire tends to be very brittle and can break with very little movement of the wire. We use a low residue cored wire. Anybody with advice or who has seen a similar problem/knows how to overco

Gold to gold soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 07:42:56 EDT 2006 | brian.perry@suntroncorp.com

We are placing a gold plated device (LCC) to a NiAu PCB using a SnPb No-clean solder. We're noticing quite a bit of difficulty with reliable joints (intermittent connectivity) and if we have to rework a particular device, adjacent devices of this sa

Re: Noclean soldering to gold

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 05:18:53 EST 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Russ, assuming that only your flux changed and the PCB-finish stayed the same it seems to me that the solderability of that finish is somehow poor. About Ni/Au it can be said that the solderconnection is made between Ni and Sn. The Au-finish is ju

Hot Bar soldering (FPC to PCB)

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 08:28:24 EDT 2009 | davef

No. They're the same ... A-610 and IPC-A-610

Hot Bar soldering (FPC to PCB)

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 19 15:11:09 EDT 2009 | davef

The sole soldering quality standard that we are aware of is A-610.

Hot Bar soldering (FPC to PCB)

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 16 04:47:43 EDT 2009 | zhengjb

Any acceptance criteria for hot bar soldering finishing? e.g. IPC-A-610? or anything else?

Wave soldering : pin to SMD distance

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 18:09:21 EDT 2007 | stephan

We noticed unsufficient soldering on some 0805 chips located between pins from a plastic bloc connector . All chips are soldered with 45� angle. Flux quantity , preheating , contact time and PCB quality was checked. Do you know any international stan

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