Electronics Forum: solid edge (Page 1 of 4)

Wave solder edge covers

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 30 10:37:11 EDT 1999 | Boca

We are wave soldering some fabs with a lot of unmasked trace area along the edges. The trace area is solid copper covered with tin / lead, no masking, no components along the edges, same on solder side and component side (goofy board design). Inste

Dual edge mount connector

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 05:51:24 EDT 2010 | 15009

SIPAD solid solder deposit solves this challenge.

Re: Wave solder edge covers

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 30 11:38:05 EDT 1999 | Brian Conner

| We are wave soldering some fabs with a lot of unmasked trace area along the edges. The trace area is solid copper covered with tin / lead, no masking, no components along the edges, same on solder side and component side (goofy board design). Ins

Re: Wave solder edge covers

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 30 12:14:40 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | We are wave soldering some fabs with a lot of unmasked trace area along the edges. The trace area is solid copper covered with tin / lead, no masking, no components along the edges, same on solder side and component side (goofy board design). I

Re: Wave solder edge covers

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 02 09:54:02 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | | | We are wave soldering some fabs with a lot of unmasked trace area along the edges. The trace area is solid copper covered with tin / lead, no masking, no components along the edges, same on solder side and component side (goofy board design)

Re: Wave solder edge covers

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 02 10:06:17 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | | | We are wave soldering some fabs with a lot of unmasked trace area along the edges. The trace area is solid copper covered with tin / lead, no masking, no components along the edges, same on solder side and component side (goofy board design)

Re: Wave solder edge covers

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 02 05:28:13 EDT 1999 | Vinesh gandhi

| | | We are wave soldering some fabs with a lot of unmasked trace area along the edges. The trace area is solid copper covered with tin / lead, no masking, no components along the edges, same on solder side and component side (goofy board design).

MPM UP2000 problem

Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 10:37:35 EDT 2019 | slthomas

Disclaimer - I know nothing specific about MPM printers. First, a question - have you successfully printed or programmed a print cycle for any other board yet, or is this the first one? I ask because a board stop sensor error sounds like it could b

DEK/Tannlin Vectorguard stencils

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 13 11:21:41 EST 2004 | wikunkle

To us the system seems very good. Mount & dismount is simple and solid. As a stencil supplier, we know there is another system that solves the sharp edge issue, called Wizard/QTS. DEK likely has the edge in a high prod. environment. Bill

Re: Proflow of DEK screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 12:02:30 EDT 1999 | Brad Kendall

| Dear sirs, | | If you have experienced Proflow of DEK screen printer, please let me know the details of it. | | Best regards, | | Jame Bond | | I have had Proflow for about 8 weeks now. I have had my fair share of problems with it. It does

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