Electronics Forum: somar and adhesive (Page 1 of 9)

pick and place adhesive dots

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 12:58:35 EDT 2015 | pankyb1261

Is there anyone that makes a pick and place glue dot for surface mount chip components (B stage epoxy dot in a carrier tape)? Thanks, Rich

The care and feeding of adhesive nozzles

Electronics Forum | Sun May 23 11:02:45 EDT 1999 | M Cox

Any suggestions on how to maintain Adhesive dispensing nozzles??? They seem to plug up over night and it is starting to get on my nerves. We have tried leaving the nozzles in the machine, removing them and soaking in alcohol, blowing them out with

Re: WHITE or YELLOW surface mount adhesive glue

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 28 10:59:07 EDT 1998 | Jose Moreno

| Dear sirs, | please help me to fing a company whicjh produces white or yellow adhesive UV curing glue for SMT components assembly ,i need names and contact fones and faxes for those company ,i need any company but not Alphametal or heraues | th

Re: WHITE or YELLOW surface mount adhesive glue

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 28 10:55:54 EDT 1998 | Jose Moreno

| Dear sirs, | please help me to fing a company whicjh produces white or yellow adhesive UV curing glue for SMT components assembly ,i need names and contact fones and faxes for those company ,i need any company but not Alphametal or heraues | th

Re: The care and feeding of adhesive nozzles

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 13:06:12 EDT 1999 | Deon Nungaray

| | | Any suggestions on how to maintain Adhesive dispensing nozzles??? They seem to plug up over night and it is starting to get on my nerves. We have tried leaving the nozzles in the machine, removing them and soaking in alcohol, blowing them o

Re: The care and feeding of adhesive nozzles

Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 11:35:23 EDT 1999 | Robert Wells

Scotty, What type of glue machine are you using? Thanks in advance, Robert

Re: The care and feeding of adhesive nozzles

Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 12:19:55 EDT 1999 | M Cox

| | | | | | | | | Any suggestions on how to maintain Adhesive dispensing nozzles??? They seem to plug up over night and it is starting to get on my nerves. We have tried leaving the nozzles in the machine, removing them and soaking in alcohol, bl

Re: The care and feeding of adhesive nozzles

Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 11:31:57 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook

| | | | | | Any suggestions on how to maintain Adhesive dispensing nozzles??? They seem to plug up over night and it is starting to get on my nerves. We have tried leaving the nozzles in the machine, removing them and soaking in alcohol, blowing

Re: The care and feeding of adhesive nozzles

Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 20:44:57 EDT 1999 | David Scott

| Scotty, | | What type of glue machine are you using? | | Thanks in advance, | Robert | Robert, We have a Camalot 1818, and a Gemini machine. We use the purge compound in both of them. Scotty

Re: The care and feeding of adhesive nozzles

Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 10:00:03 EDT 1999 | David Scott

| | | | | | | | | | | | Any suggestions on how to maintain Adhesive dispensing nozzles??? They seem to plug up over night and it is starting to get on my nerves. We have tried leaving the nozzles in the machine, removing them and soaking in alcoh

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