Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 12 03:57:17 EST 2004 | pioneertechnology
Hi All For the past 8 years we have been screen printing paste succesfully using hard rubber blades. Over the past 12 months we have changed paste from lead to lead free, the board size has changed from 300x200mm to 120x90mm and we have also moved
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 01:20:33 EST 2002 | djarvis
Armin, I installed a second hand Dek Ela in-line in November. Prior to that we had been running 2 x SMTech (Quad ) Vmp100s, an MPM SP-2000 and an MPM SP-20. All semi-autos. I believe the Vmp100s to be a great machine and have recommended them to all
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 06 10:21:10 EDT 2004 | pioneertechnology
Hi All We have been manufacturing lead free in the UK for about two years now in a fashion. Let me expalin. Two years ago we began to change over our wave solder machines to lead free process. We read all the articles and attended the seminars on
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