Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 16 18:24:11 EDT 2016 | aemery
Scratches do not necessarily mean bad! Usually the forcer motor fails before a platen. The motors become weak or don't evenly distribute the supplied air, which causes them to tilt and drive into the platens. Mechanical misalignment of the VY forcer
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 17 23:57:35 EST 2012 | haiae
I need some spare parts for contact systems 3 series machine such as tool tips, calib. tips, etc. Who can offer me any please drop me an email. Thanks,
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 07 05:38:23 EST 2012 | haiae
I'm looking for all tool tips, calibration tool tips or other spare parts for contact 3 series machine. If you have any parts, please list it for my reference. Thanks,
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 25 10:07:19 EST 2011 | haiae
Dear all Readers, I'm looking for spare parts for Contact 3AVX such as nozzle, calibration tips etc. Anyone can offer please drop me an email. Thanks & best regards,
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 26 01:35:49 EST 2011 | haiae
Used spare parts is OK. Please tell me if you can offer. Thanks,
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 14 03:52:48 EDT 2012 | haiae
I'm waiting for your confirm about spare parts for Contact 3xx machine Please advise. Thanks,
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 13:04:13 EDT 2012 | roison
Comtra system take over by RoiSon Technology ,they still build Belt Feeder and repair any Comtra belt feeder ,,spare part. there phone 763-639-1921 Email phipho11@hotmail.com
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 13:19:34 EDT 2012 | roison
Comtra system take over by RoiSon Technology ,they still build Belt Feeder and repair any Comtra belt feeder ,,spare part. there phone 763-639-1921 Email phipho11@hotmail.com
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 06:50:43 EST 2012 | eps
hi send me your details i will send you a contact
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 11:42:35 EDT 2018 | tey422
Thanks for your information. But the info you provided, we already found out more or less about it. The newer cleaning systems are nothing like the one I am seeking the replacement parts for. I don't think Kolb would able to provide much help for s