Electronics Forum: speedline electrovert bravo 8105 (Page 1 of 1)

Looking for repair/service company for electrovert bravo 8 reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 16:41:12 EDT 2017 | kkrestchmer

We have a Speedline Electrovert Bravo 8 reflow oven. We have issues where we get a "thermal runaway HTSC trip" error and the oven shuts down. We normally can unplug and replug a connector into the Sensor/Relay Watlow AnaFaze TLM-8 module and it sta

Looking for repair/service company for electrovert bravo 8 reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 12:21:29 EDT 2017 | rgduval

I'm going to guess that you've tried Speedline with no success. They're awfully annoying about their older machines. Things to check: - Thermistor for the zone working properly? - Opto for the zone working correctly? - Heaters working correctly? -

Looking for repair/service company for electrovert bravo 8 reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 01 00:20:08 EDT 2017 | aemery

Kelly, it's been a long while since I repaired a BRAVO. The machine was a little unique as far as Electrovert ovens go. I am pretty sure that it is the only Speedline model that integrated a PLC. Loved the OMNI's, not so much with the Bravos. I a

Electrovert Bravo 8105 Conveyor belt fluid cleaner

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 13:04:14 EST 2015 | longnguyen

I am looking for the Manual and the Conveyor belt fluid cleaner for the Electrovert Bravo 8105, the conveyor belt fluid container is near the front with the brush point down to belt ( closed to the monitor ), any one know where can i buy this Manual

Electrovert Bravo 8105 Conveyor belt fluid cleaner

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 02 02:22:09 EST 2016 | akon63

hey dude you can find the manual for the conveyor belt fluid cleaner here http://www.orf.ae/ as a professionals i believe they would be more than happy to help you

Electrovert Bravo 8105 Cooling Zone Chiller

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 18 16:09:12 EST 2004 | ms

Hi Everyone. Are many of you using Bravo 8105 reflow ovens with chiller units? What have your experience been like with them. Are they reliable? If you had the choice would you get another? Is having them an advantage with lead free production?

Electrovert Bravo 8105 Cooling Zone Chiller

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 19 10:56:20 EST 2004 | rlackey

Hi Mike, We mainly use chillers for the operators - we build a lot of thick & palletised boards that retain the heat. Having a chiller means we can pick the board up earlier after the oven & it's cooler. With leadfree you will have higher temperat

Password for Electrovert Bravo

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 14:35:52 EST 2012 | edmneb

We recently got a used Electrovert Bravo 8105 in house, but the unit did not come with any passwords to access the software. Any one know a default password, or way to change the passwords? Thanks!

Electrovert Bravo 4050 Help

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 15:57:12 EST 2015 | rgduval

Anyone out there have one of these Electrovert/Speedline ovens? Our PLC lost its mind, and we're looking to get it back. Speedline doesn't support the oven anymore, so, getting the file out of them doesn't seem likely. The PLC is Mitsubishi FX2N48

Reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 10:33:08 EDT 2015 | Asif

Hello Professionals, Good morning, We are circuit card manufacturer for the Aerospace industry with low volume and High mix level. We have a plan to Purchase a NEW REFLOW OVEN. Currently we are using Electrovert BRAVO reflow oven which is about 8 yea


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