Electronics Forum: speedline omni excel 7 (Page 1 of 2)

Omni excel 7

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 17:16:17 EDT 2013 | saied

Hello, We would like to order this spare-part blower motor electrovert omni Excel for Speedline Technologies Electrovert, type: Omni Excel 7 Serial: 476219 Date: 4/04 and we would be thankful if you provide us the Service manul for your prod

Electrovert Omni 7

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 14:27:08 EDT 2009 | soudomphong

I need help with conveyor speed in Omni Excel 7. It fluctuate, and never have a steady speed. I swapped the speed control card,calibrated, encoder, and I still have the same problem. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Electrovert Omni 7

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 13:03:01 EDT 2009 | soudomphong

Thank you for responding. I called Speedline tech support he think there is a short some where in the motor. I changed the motor out and still have the same problem. The chain is normal, and using automatic lubricating. I will check more into this, a

Electrovert Omni 7

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 12:07:40 EDT 2009 | swag

The electronics degrade over time and you get troubles like you're having and you need to install a "noise reduction kit". Basically it's a new interface card set and some cables. You might call Speedline and ask tech. support if this is something

Electrovert Omni 7

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 10:04:07 EDT 2009 | soudomphong

Thank you for responding. I called Speedline tech > support he think there is a short some where in > the motor. I changed the motor out and still have > the same problem. The chain is normal, and using > automatic lubricating. I will check more

Speedline OmniFlo 7 Electrical schematic

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 06 15:58:32 EDT 2023 | proceng1

Engineering Data sheet is the best I can do.

Speedline OmniFlo 7 Electrical schematic

Electronics Forum | travishemen |

Mon Apr 10 14:32:07 EDT 2023

Speedline OmniFlo 7 Electrical schematic

Electronics Forum | travishemen |

Mon Apr 10 14:33:58 EDT 2023

Speedline OmniFlo 7 Electrical schematic

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 10 15:04:52 EDT 2023 | jdengler

Travis, Thank you very much. Jerry

Speedline OmniFlo 7 Electrical schematic

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 06 14:27:04 EDT 2023 | jdengler

Hi everyone, I am looking for a schematic in PDF for an OmniFlo 7 manufactured in 2003. Our hard copy has gone missing. Specifically I am looking at which SSR controls zone 2 bottom heater. Thanks, Jerry

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