Electronics Forum: splicing cutter (Page 1 of 1)

tape splicing pros and cons

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 21 10:40:18 EDT 2005 | PWH

Splicing for us has been a rough go as we haven't really found a tool that works well/fast. We have a few different machines = different feeders. They all react different to a splicing "style". The best so far is a crimp tool that crimps a brass s

SMT Feeder Leader Tape / Extenders

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 28 23:22:19 EDT 2007 | anne0405

SMT splice product(splice tape,splice cutter,splice tool,extender,stencil clean rolls and so on)with best quality and resonable price. pls visit http://www.khj.cn email:sales@khj.cn

Share info for Six sigma - BB

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 10:10:30 EST 2001 | Stefan Witte

Angela, besides the sense or non sense of six sigma and related meetings, you will have to break down the component feeding issue into several sections, which are all impacting the feeding reliability. 1. Component dimensions 2. Tape size 8, 12, 16


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