Electronics Forum: spm screen printer system (Page 1 of 19)

screen printer from MPM

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 29 08:54:46 EST 2003 | pjc

SPM is superior. SPM has larger print area, up to 20� x 19", vs. 17.7� x 15.7� for the UltraPrint 100. UP100 is microprocessor controlled while the SPM has a PC. The SPM cameras can be positioned more rapidly and with greater accuracy than UP100's.

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 08:49:12 EST 2004 | ianlg

Hi Kistech is a UK based company. The MD is a David Wheatley who was one of the founders of SMTech Ltd who designed and manufactured the 100MV prior to the company being purchased by MPM. The microflex is a re-engineerd version of this machine. The

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 21 02:28:54 EDT 2015 | dinhhuunam

Juki GL-1.... Any thoughts? I'm New to the > industry and I'm trying to buy a new screen > printer. I have two in mind, DEK and Juki. Hi Sir, I'll advise you the SJ INNOTECH Vision Screen printer Best Solution & Service for You Model HP-520S Hi

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 02 17:26:24 EST 2004 | pjc

I worked on MicroFlex. All axis move via electric motor drive. Carraige reapatability is +/- 0.0005" (12 micron). Cameras position more easily on linear bearings than the swivel type. The alignment accuracy and repeatability easily supports sub-20mil

screen printer from MPM

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 26 12:02:37 EST 2003 | irun

hi all we are in the face of purchasing stencil printer and we are looking for off-line with vision model. We are interested in MPM stencil Ultraprint 100 and SPM. My question is about your experience with Ultraprint 100 and SPM? Which is better, mo

screen printer from MPM

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 29 16:19:31 EST 2003 | adlsmt

I second what Pete said. If you cant afford a new SPM buy a used one. They are around $10K to $15K right now. The resale value on the SPM will also be alot better than on the UP100.

screen printer from MPM

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 06 15:52:18 EST 2004 | pjc

SPM is superior in terms of technology and application. SPM has larger print area, up to 20� x 19", vs. 17.7� x 15.7� for the MicroFlex. MicroFlex is microprocessor controlled while the SPM has a PC. SPM can print down to 12mil (0.3mm) fine pitch no

screen printer from MPM

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 06 14:08:56 EST 2004 | Andrea

We consider two screen printer from MPM and it is type SPM and MicroFlex. How you compare these two machines. Our the smallest fine pitch is 0.5 mm QFP. Is it really worth to buy SPM or MicroFlex will handle with it without any problems.? And what ki

screen printer from MPM

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 13:32:11 EST 2004 | ianlg

You might like to look at the R29-V. Its similar to the SPM but a lot cheaper. Check it out on RPAmericas web site. http://www.rpamericas.com. They should be showing it at Apex this year on stand 1417. It also has both std and vac wet/dry usc.

screen printer from MPM

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 29 21:22:48 EST 2003 | Dean

SPM-AV is a very versitle printer. I have one that is currently handling a 23.5 X 16.1 inch board. The print stroke has been increased to 21.3 icnhes. Again, very flexible machine. We may have two for sale if interested. Email me at idwitheld@com

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