Electronics Forum: spray stencil cleaning machine (Page 1 of 41)

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 02 22:54:51 EST 2002 | davef

Mike, I know that. I wanted to be talking to Bayanbaru. Plus, I know you have no placement machines. You use ultrasonic plastic welders and screwdrivers. Dave

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 14 02:51:44 EST 2001 | genglish

This forum is becoming a salesmans dream! I agree with the first guy, check the archives as there is alot of information about cleaning and media. Our company uses a Kerry SC1000 machine very good process but mechanically we have had problems with t

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 19:12:11 EDT 2002 | djarvis

Sorry fellas -disagree. We only clean our stencils in the ultrasonic machine at the end of the run. If the same pcb is up the next day we clean them by hand. We use Electrolube SSS and the used rolls from the in line under stencil cleaner. Wipe the

UltraSonic cleaning machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 14:03:55 EDT 2002 | Randy V

There are allot of issue to washing that need to be considered before you purchase a washer. But to answer your question regarding ultrasonic cleaning: 1. Ultrasonics with the correct frequency will not damage most components. Washing in general can

Low VOC stencil cleaning fluid

Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 19:43:05 EDT 2003 | billschreiber

Hello Carl, Thank you for the feedback. You are absolutely right. I was remiss in not addressing the other questions. 2. 440-R SMT Detergent will clean RMA and No-clean solder pastes in 1 � 2 minutes using ultrasonics at ambient temperature and 5

stencil cleaning 'technology' ..

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 14:04:52 EDT 2000 | Phil Lauziere

Folks, What's the latest on stencil cleaning technologies; particlarly 'spray' (whether air or emmersion )versus 'ultrasonic' ?? What are your experiences with this ?? Has anyone completing any testing on cleaners recently - that you'd be willin

Solvent for stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 10:03:51 EST 2005 | C

Wow! that's amazing!, so you spray both sides, you wait for 2 minutes, and then you wipe everyting clean, and you do all this in 2 minutes, fantastic!

Solvent for stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 09:01:42 EST 2005 | smtspecialist

I was using a combination of Alcohol and then compressed air for a while because I didn't wanted to add new hazardous chemicals into my factory but after looking into Vigon SC200 with a H/F/R of 0 I decided to try it. Since I started to use it, my

Automatic stencil cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 01 09:39:08 EST 2024 | dimamalin

We are planning to purchase a new machine for automatic stencil cleaning. If anyone has experience using such equipment, what would you recommend? I appreciate any advice when choosing this equipment. Thank you in advance.

Automatic stencil cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 10 05:28:03 EDT 2024 | dimamalin

Hello friends, over three thousand specialists have seen my post, but only three have reacted, and I'm very grateful to them. Even the simplest remark would satisfy me, like "we have such-and-such stencil washing machine, we've been using it

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