Electronics Forum: squeegee pressure (Page 1 of 20)

Re: squeegee angle

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 22:01:19 EST 1999 | Dean

| Anyone knows what is the optimum squeegee angle for screen printers. | | 45 Degrees. The forward velocity creates a downward pressure equal to the vector pressure (equalibrium). This is commonly known as paste "rolling action". Too obtuse an an

Re: squeegee angle

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 06 10:30:48 EDT 1999 | Scott Davies

Tony Although I agree in principle with Dean that 45 Degrees would be ideal, most of the squeegees I have worked with have been 60 Degrees to the stencil surface. This seems to work best with metal squeegees when printing HASL boards, because the sl

Re: squeegee angle

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 07 11:42:16 EDT 1999 | Tony A

| Tony | | Although I agree in principle with Dean that 45 Degrees would be ideal, most of the squeegees I have worked with have been 60 Degrees to the stencil surface. This seems to work best with metal squeegees when printing HASL boards, because

Rheopump vs. squeegee

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 11:43:52 EDT 2001 | gsmguru

Change times for the Rheo pump are probably a little slower than just swapping blades. You have to hook up the sensors & air lines,remove the bottom cover + charge the pump to get it to operating pressure before you can print. I would guess that if y

Measuring the real pressure applied by Squegee

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 08:14:43 EDT 2018 | cyber_wolf

The way to determine correct pressure (in my experience) is to start out at what you would consider to be a low sq. pressure setting. You are looking for it to leave a slight film of paste on the stencil. Start increasing pressure in small incremen

Standard for Stencil printers edges pressure

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 18 19:48:08 EDT 2006 | davef

There is no standard, nor should there be [because the IPC standards should be aimed at describing results, not the path used to reach the results]. So, your printer equipment supplier recommendations are a good starting point. Your "35-46 lbs-in"

Standard for Stencil printers edges pressure

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 10:27:30 EDT 2006 | russ

Look at your paste specs, they give you recommended starting points relating to speed and pressure. Dave F is right, it is usually about 1 pound per linear inch of squeegee length. Speed for finepitch printing should be started at about 1in/sec. T


Electronics Forum | Wed May 08 09:15:26 EDT 2002 | pjc

Stencil Thickness, Squeegee Type (plastic/rubber vs. metal) and Squeegee Pressure.

MPM AP25, separation problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 01:20:35 EST 2005 | pavel_murtishev

Good morning, Thank you for assistance. I�m not so experienced with MPM maintenance. Explain me please what is the difference between �squeegee down force� and �squeegee pressure�? Squeegee pressure is set so 5-6 Kg. How can I check squeegee down fo

Stencil deformation patterns

Electronics Forum | Tue May 22 08:23:55 EDT 2018 | dleeper

metal blades scraping against a metal foil; do it enough times and any stencil will look like that. It's possible the squeegee pressure is set too high, exacerbating the condition. Try reducing squeegee pressure a little at a time, making sure you

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