Electronics Forum: srt sierra 2000 (Page 1 of 7)

repair SRT Sierra 1000

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 18 10:39:59 EDT 2006 | thomas

Anyone have information, who or company repair SRT Sierra 1000 BGA rework station.

SRT Sierra Summit 1000/1100 BGA rework system manual

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 17 22:37:01 EDT 2003 | Albert Gu

Who has the opertion manual for SRT Sierra Summit 1000/1100 BGA Rework system?? Urgent help need. Can you email me or fax to 0086-571-86730015. Many thanks for your kindly help


Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 12 04:07:52 EDT 2021 | bangir

Has anyone have manual book for SRT Sierra SUMMIT 1100HR? I am looking for part number Top Heater of these machine. Thanks

Re: Automatic site cleaning machine for BGA rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 19:42:42 EST 1999 | Dean

| Need recommendation for Automatic site cleaning machine for BGA rework. (after component removal). | | Advice on BGA reballing equipment/methods is needed. | | thanks a lot | | Lin | Check out SRT (Sierra Research Technologies). Their solder sc


Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 16 05:41:31 EDT 2021 | bangir

I cannot reach the number. Do you have personal email address?


Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 16 23:24:55 EDT 2021 | SMTA-64387687


SRT BGA Machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 08 14:23:25 EDT 2002 | davef

Sierra Research & Technology (SRT, a div. of GenRad); 59 Power Rd.; Westford, MA 01886; 978/589-700; Fax: 978/589-7007

SRT Summit 1100 Rework Station

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 20 21:35:14 EST 2004 | Ron W

I was wondering if anyone knows if Sierra Research and Technology (SRT) is still in business? Were they bought out by someone else? Is anyone providing any kind of training on this equipment? Any information anyone has on this company would be most a

repair SRT Sierra 1000

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 19 14:52:55 EDT 2006 | ppcbs

I use Mike McClay of Uptime for my SRT 1100 service for over 7 years now. He is reasonable. Try (408)433-0376.

repair SRT Sierra 1000

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 19 09:50:23 EDT 2006 | billyd

Dude - The last I knew, two employees had bought out service contract rights from SRT when they went away. It was incredibly pricey to have them come in, as they then wanted huge money up front for a two or three year deal. Get in touch with: VJ Elec

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