Electronics Forum: stand alone spray fluxers (Page 1 of 1)

Sensbey Spray Fluxer

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 01 15:18:20 EDT 2002 | pteerink

Anyone care to share their experiences using a Sensbey stand alone spray fluxer? Looking for info on these units, but not much luck, so any help is appreciated Phil

Re: Spray Fluxers

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 20:13:10 EST 1999 | Wayne Bracy

| Does anyone have any recommendations on spray fluxers? Are there major differences between the high priced ultrasonic machines to the low priced flux/air spraying machines? We are going to be spraying an OA flux with 11% solids content. Are there a

Re: Wave Solder Fluxing

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 10:15:54 EST 1998 | Chrys

| We have installed a Sonoflux atomized mist fluxing unit (Model 9500)on our Future 1 wave solder machine. We are concerned that the retrofitting of this unit may not have been appropriate for our equipment, as we are now experiencing many problems

What is VCO mean ???

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 24 20:57:08 EST 2002 | ericchua

Can anyone tell me what is "VCO" free swing spray fluxer mean ??? The "VCO" stand for what ???

Wave solder: Vitronics-Soltec vs. Electrovert

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 22:32:18 EDT 2004 | pdeuel

We have a Soltec Deltawave with single nozzle spray fluxer, chipwave, and waveform. It preforms well. I am not fimilar with Electrovert models so I can only give you some of the pitch I got when I went back East for training. Features I like about th

Re: VOC Free Flux

Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 16:08:38 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| | | | | I am looking for anyone who has converted over to VOC Free flux. I need some info on any problems, etc. that you might have had. | | | | | | | | | | Please E-mail me at wes.ruggles@vickers-systems.com or call at (513) 494-5229 | | | | | |

Re: Fountain Wave Soldering and Repair/Rework Equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 15:48:14 EST 1999 | Chrys

| Hello, | | I will be evaluating and qualifying two equipment types. The first is a fountain soldering device. I need practical advice on all the stuff you guys and gals know about as good, bad, ugly, best applications, setup, limitations, and all


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