Electronics Forum: tape cable labels[0] (Page 1 of 1)

Flex PCB through production

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 18 16:30:28 EDT 2019 | tey422

Check with the tooling house where you get the fixture from. They should able to help out on that subject. At least they should know have some idea where you can purchase TACSIL from. Tip: when you dealing with flex cable PCB, always ask tooling ho

Fuji CP3 Tape Leaf Sensor

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 07:27:28 EDT 2009 | jdengler

Hi Nick, I took a feeder that was broken and modified it. I glued shims in place to set the sensor height with. I glued a block of metal to work as a stop for the Y axis. Then for the rotation I use a piece of paper to see were the emitter is poi

Mydata (MY12) error-Frame Grab and Light Curtain

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 23 08:19:52 EDT 2009 | rgduval

Check to see if there's a loose cable, or something, that's randomly setting off the light curtain. We occasionally have that problem with some of our flex or 12/16 mags in our TP9, where the tape take up clip is loose (nothing in that feeder) and i

Quad IVc Z-axis Error

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 04 02:20:20 EST 2011 | ngineer

I just got my hands on a Quad IVc, and am trying to find information on a Z-axis Error # 5 @ startup. I haven't really done anything since recieving the machine, I powered on, the Transport moves back and forth, the pc boots and I press enter to log

Mydata vs Siplace

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 26 08:38:14 EDT 2002 | ian

We have had Mydata for eight years and Siplace for six. We have found that the Siemens is much more accurate and faster than the Mydata (about four times quicker). Although the Mydata is more friendly regarding the software, if the upfront preparator

MyData tool damage

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 09:24:53 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf

Well...here is what I can tell you: I have over $40K worth of bent A12,A13,A14 tools.Yes you heard me right $40K worth. (Since 1995) Mydata used to make a repair kit to fix them but decided to quit. They tell me the reason they quit making the kit i

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 09 16:22:05 EDT 2020 | sportsradar

Hello Kristof, We use 1 PC which does line control and programming. We always boot the PC up first, then when it is fully booted, then we turn the machine on, we let it zero set, then we send the job over (this is how we do it when everything works)

Re: BGA Repair Problems

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 17 02:50:44 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis

| Have an SRT w/preheat, 18 layer board all copper, 456 BGA needs to be removed and replaced. The manufacturer is Chip Express and during reflow it warps up or down. Causing either opens or shorts on the corners. I was using gel flux with multiple


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