Electronics Forum: temperature detector pt100 (Page 1 of 1)

platinum clad nickel soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 10:35:09 EST 2005 | shannond

Definitely platinum http://www.omega.com/Temperature/pdf/1PT100FR_RTD_ELEMENTS.pdf

Re: Heat sinking delicate leaded parts

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 16 05:00:50 EST 2000 | Dean

What is the package type? TO92, TO5...etc. This temp. sensing device clips (mechanically) to the sink. And this requires a special tool? How about thermo bond heat sink compound? "output" by loc tite is the only flavor I can think of...There a

Re: Heat sinking delicate leaded parts

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 16 05:00:50 EST 2000 | Dean

What is the package type? TO92, TO5...etc. This temp. sensing device clips (mechanically) to the sink. And this requires a special tool? How about thermo bond heat sink compound? "output" by loc tite is the only flavor I can think of...There a


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