Electronics Forum | Tue May 13 15:21:51 EDT 2003 | stefwitt
I know, it can be done and I participated in many acceptance tests, in which we counted even the milliseconds. However, my vision had a bit shifted, since the time the Motorola�s and Flextronic�s dumped all these high volume machines to the market. I
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 20 10:00:25 EST 2015 | TM
Hello We are currently cleaning stencils from both process (PbSn and lead free) in the same cleaning machine. A customer is concerned about cross contamination of lead between stencils. Is there any test kit or tool that you can suggest to test the
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 22 11:49:16 EST 2000 | Chris May
Can anyone recommend a solderability test kit. This would be used for SOT23, chip caps resistors etc; Thanks in advance, Chris
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 16 20:08:05 EST 2011 | hegemon
Maybe one of those test kits with lead detecting 'swabs'? Changes color when lead is present.
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 23 16:11:51 EST 2001 | Dave E
The sulphur outgassing from these rubber bands was >enough to contaminate every board... Well, if every rubber band is a threat then sulphur contamination must be a common problem. Are sulphur test kits available?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 25 10:27:46 EDT 2001 | nwyatt
Perhaps order a test kit from Topline or a similar dummy component vendor to practice on. That way, you can ensure that you get correct placement all over the board, and in different orientations. N
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 25 10:29:59 EDT 2001 | nwyatt
Perhaps order a test kit from Topline or a similar dummy component vendor to practice on. That way, you can ensure that you get correct placement all over the board, and in different orientations. N
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 04 16:04:49 EST 2003 | pjc
No don't know about such a chart. But, consider changing the method used to check flux activity. Consult your flux supplier for a test kit that will measure actual activity (acidity). SG is a suggestive method.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 17:35:48 EDT 2017 | zsoden
Thanks for the suggestion, Steve, I'll look into sourcing a test kit here in Oz! I did however talk to the guys doing the touch ups of this batch of boards and they are sceptical that it's nickel: they have had to solder to nickel in the past and rec
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 23 22:20:51 EST 2000 | Dave F
Chris: I'm unsure about the kits you seek. Solderability of: * Components: J-STD-002, Dip And Look Method. Malcom Instruments makes a very nice tester. * Boards: IPC TM-650 2.4.12A Solderability, Edge Dip Method Good luck Dave F