Electronics Forum: threads (Page 1 of 7948)

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 10:53:46 EDT 2002 | bdoyle

No problem Dave.

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 16 16:10:23 EDT 2002 | slthomas

Just for clarification, I was only suggesting locking out new posts to the thread, not yanking it from the archives or anything. Wow, Mr. Parker was still around and I had no clue! I may start paying more attention to draonslayr's posts.

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 20 12:37:47 EDT 2002 | davef

I love this!!! * A bunch of forum users complain about the misuse of old threads. * 'Pointy-Headed Boss' says, "We're going to require registration [that has nothing to do with the complaint and will make the forum less accessable] and we're not goin

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 20 12:56:22 EDT 2002 | bdoyle

I love dilbert. Anyhow we're going to do something about both. Locking old threads solves one problem, requiring registration requires another. Some of the proposed solutions to people who violate rules (like bumping old threads) was to ban them.

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 07:27:41 EDT 2002 | robf

How ablout locking out threads that are three months or older but still allowing a viewer to respond to the poster via a direct e-mail. Often the perpetrators are first time users who either don't realize that this is a forum to help industry types

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 15 08:41:07 EDT 2002 | davef

I agree with you Steve. I have tried to convince the fine folk at SMTnet about your very agrument for years. They listen, but are unmoved. I think they would be moved if we raised a stink about it

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 16 10:41:19 EDT 2002 | bdoyle

That would definitely do it. We have thought about this a number of times as its been raised. The more people who are in support of it, the quicker it will happen.

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 17:16:50 EDT 2002 | slthomas

It certainly wouldn't bother me to be required to register. I belong to other forums (unrelated) that require registration for just that reason. Anyone can be blocked by the admin.

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 09:19:17 EDT 2002 | bdoyle

well you're already registered, there wouldn't be a need to re-register. You can tell who is registered and who is not by their posting name. If it is a link and has the profile head next to it they are registered.

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 21:29:31 EDT 2002 | davef

Brian, I'm sorry to have said things that may have offended you or cast doubt on you efforts to make the Forum better. My earlier posting was hostile and not good spirited. Please accept my apology. Dave

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