Electronics Forum: timing 20x (Page 1 of 2)

Boards getting

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 22 16:42:50 EDT 2005 | campos

hello all, I�m experiencing problems with "warped" boards after first reflow, some of them i just can�t print side two due to this problem,,is it related only to reflow? i�m using a linear profile (225� peak / 70s time above) with a tin lead paste,t

No such thing as a Compact Reflow Oven?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 11:50:05 EDT 2018 | jimpat

Another option to consider is ATCO (http://www.atco-us.com/products/item/5-pro-1600-smt-reflow-ovens). Cycle time is around 5 minutes and your throughput will depend on on how many panels will fit in the 20" x 20" work area.

MPM Accuflex Calibration

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 27 07:28:24 EST 2020 | dontfeedphils

If I'm remembering correctly, I just had a board shop I worked with supply me with a 20"x20" copper laminated piece of FR4 and used that. I believe I only used it once before I left that company, so I'm not sure how well it holds up over time.

Ag-plated LED dipping - high level of Cu and Ag

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 15 16:04:23 EDT 2001 | davef

First, responding to your question � Several things on copper dissolution in solder are: * A 50um copper wire will dissolve in 60Sn / 40Pb solder at: - 200�C solder in 55 seconds; - 250�C solder in 20 seconds; - 300�C solder in 5 seconds; - 350�C so

IPC-A-610D Question

Electronics Forum | Tue May 02 16:37:57 EDT 2006 | bhall

I have experienced the exact same problem with excess solder touching the plastic component body. The solution in my case was simply to replace the stencil. I was using a reusable stencil frame that had been worn out. I replaced the stencil with a so

MPM AccuFlex

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 08:35:49 EST 2003 | pjc

AccuFlex is the replacement for UltraPrint 1500. UP1500 is going obsolete. AccuFlex was desgigned for fast setup and changeovers and takes some tasks away from the operator. The UltraPrint 2000 was designed for high production, even though many users

Re: Two AP-20 questions

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 01 16:42:48 EDT 1999 | Scott S. Snider

| After lots of years with Panasert machines, I am starting to need to learn again. | 1. For the AP-20 can you retrofit 3D vision? Would you bother? | 2. Also for the AP, can you use 20x20 DEK screens with an adapter? | | Thanks to all you MPM expe

Fuji CP6 5000

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 22:30:46 EST 2002 | Jones

The CP-65E handles a wide range of board sizes, including large boards up to 508 x 457 mm or 20 x 18 inches. Handling consumer as well as industrial applications, this durable and highly efficient machine achieves a cycle time of 0.12 seconds/shot an

stencil ordering

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 25 11:21:05 EDT 2002 | soupatech

This may sound like a stupid question but keep in mind I am very new at this and most of the training I have recieved has been from operation manuals and this forum (thanks to all). Our purchasing agent (new hire) is ordering a stencil for the first

Batch Ovens

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 11:29:46 EST 2005 | JeffP

Jay, I work for a company that manufactures batch reflow ovens however, I will try to be as subjective as possible. For the most part, what others have posted is true. Yes, there is one heating chamber and if the heater does not have enough power

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