Electronics Forum: tin lead pcb (Page 1 of 222)

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 17:36:36 EDT 2004 | davef

NO-LEAD COMPONENTS WITH LEAD SOLDER ISSUE: We agree with Russ. We've dicussed this several times on SMTnet. For instance, look here http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=25394 LEAD COMPONENTS WITH NO-LEAD SOLDER ISSUE: We disa

lead free pcb plating?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 28 08:37:52 EDT 2007 | davef

There is no good choice. Board Finishes: Industrial/Battelle Class 3 Environment [Reliability Knowledge Gaps: For use of Pb-free solders in High Reliability Applications, J Smetana, iNEMI Availability of SnPb-Compatible BGAs Workshop, March 1, 2007,

lead free pcb plating?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 27 10:07:18 EDT 2007 | rgduval

Our preference has been ENIG. We find that we achieve higher quality (visually) soldering for through hole and surface mount parts, with less handling issues than when we use white-tin, or immersion tin. We are about to do a test on some boards tha

Pcb immersion tin thickness

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 07 09:04:09 EDT 2006 | molos21

Hi everyone, I am starting to use the lead free process and I had a few wetting problems (solder did not reach top side) at the wave soldering process once the pcb had passed our smt line (one heat pass). From what I understand, I have had a problem

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 12:01:26 EDT 2004 | russ

Kris, this practice has gone on for years. I have never heard of any problems associated with this. I have heard "grumblings" about tin lead parts being processed with lead free paste, but have seen or heard of no data to support. Russ

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 11:57:03 EDT 2004 | Kris

Hi Any body have any issues soldering tin lead solder paste with lead free terminations ? Components are leaded devices and chip components have read the theoritical discussions on the forum, need to know if any body has seen any real issues tod

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 19:50:44 EDT 2004 | davef

To take our turn at keeping everyone else on the straight and narrow. For more on lead contamination of no-lead solder, look here: http://www.aimsolder.com/techarticles/Lead%20Contamination%20in%20Lead-Free%20Electronics%20Assembly.pdf [We apolog

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 21:45:49 EDT 2004 | KEN

I have experienced this directly in SMT and wave solder. Fillet lift (can) be a direct indicator to lead enrichment (but its not the exclusive symptom). Lead enrichment in smt joints reduces the interfacial strength shortening the time to creep f

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 19:17:43 EDT 2004 | russ

Now see Dave, now I have some good info on why it is "bad", This must be the lead enrichment I have heard about but never got any substantiated data or explanantion. I wonder how much weaker or less reliable these are. Is there any data that you k

lead free pcb plating?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 23:57:47 EDT 2007 | gioblast

Good day.. anyone who have read the best guide on pb-free pcb plating?? I know immersion is the best but the storage controls sucks..easily changes color..ANYONE WITH A BETTER kNOWLEDGE ON HOW TO CONTROL? OR better plating ...enig?? why?? please. all

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