Electronics Forum: tombstone and 0402 and layout (Page 1 of 2)

Decoupling caps and PCB layout

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 02:38:36 EDT 2016 | zxcvb

I guess I've been somewhat ignorant when it comes to the finer details of pcb layout. Lately I've read a couple of books that try their best to lead me on the straight and narrow. Here is a couple of examples of a recent board of mine, and I have hig

0402 Components and Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 14:05:59 EDT 2000 | Mike McMonagle

With 0402 components becoming more common today outside of the telecommunications industry, our company is qualifying equipment and processes for an upcoming product incorporating 0402s. Having used 0402s in a previous position, I am planning a DOE o

0402 tombstoning and dewetting on QFP256 trade-off

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 06 16:17:38 EST 2009 | aj

whats your board finish?

smt common pad 0402 and 1206 package

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 08:39:59 EDT 2016 | kahrpr

The first issue I see is that you have a high potential of the 402 tombstoning.

0402 tombstoning and dewetting on QFP256 trade-off

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 11:53:09 EST 2009 | dcell_1t

Hello to all. for certain time, we have been struggling with some issues on a PCB where have tombstoning on 0402 components (due to pad design) and dewetting in qfp256 0.5 mil pitch (discussed on another threads on this forum) component, we have pro

0402 tombstoning and dewetting on QFP256 trade-off

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 12 06:37:48 EDT 2009 | gregoryyork

I agree you are too cold for the profile get it up to 230C and possibly allow it to dwell a little longer in preheat as opposed to pushing up the reflow zone only. Sn90/Pb10 melts at 220C so 2C hotter than your profile so you are reliant on it alloyi

smt common pad 0402 and 1206 package

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 08:47:05 EDT 2016 | davef

You're correct. This design will have a record amount of 0402 rework for tombstoning and misalignments. Suggest that the pads on each end of all components be the same size in order to balance wetting forces during reflow.

smt common pad 0402 and 1206 package

Electronics Forum | Mon May 09 09:23:45 EDT 2016 | markhoch

I agree with the previous two replies. This is a perfect design....if you're trying to create a graveyard full of tombstones.

0402 tombstoning and dewetting on QFP256 trade-off

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 06 02:47:15 EST 2009 | lococost

Have you tried higher peaktemp? I saw the QFP is sn90pb10, This has a liquidus of 268 - 302 C. A good paste should be able to handle 230C (or more), of course you would need to check your other components peak temp.

0402 tombstoning and dewetting on QFP256 trade-off

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 06 11:01:53 EST 2009 | dyoungquist

I have attached a pdf version of an article that explains the basics of a nitrogen atmosphere when soldering. It gives some basic guidlines as to when one may want to use nitrogen and what it can and can not accomplish. FYI- I did not write that ar

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