Electronics Forum: topaz x x y error (Page 1 of 15)

Ayuda URgente X axis GSM2 dual beam (4688A) machine error Y1 y Y2

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 02 17:41:04 EST 2021 | astarotf

The heads in the middle of production stop and this error appears. We already checked the readers, linear encoders and changed the UIMC cards and found no errors, apparently all these revised parts are working. Can anyone help us where else can we c

Ayuda URgente X axis GSM2 dual beam (4688A) machine error Y1 y Y2

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 14:25:02 EST 2021 | astarotf

Hi Spoiltforchoice Thanks for the comment. With the line encoder readers that the machine brings, we performed a positioning reading check, which showed us the increase or decrease in the path that the heads make, with which we conclude that it is re

Ayuda URgente X axis GSM2 dual beam (4688A) machine error Y1 y Y2

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 10:14:45 EST 2021 | spoiltforchoice

I don't have one of these machines, but what kind of checks are you able to do on the linear encoders? On our Essemtec there is a dedicated diagnostic utility that gives you a plot of the encoder readout showing both the raw readout as a sort of roun

Topaz X error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 12 13:40:28 EST 2019 | compit

Yes, I just try to suggest - I do not know the section, I have Emerald-X - a service manual for it. Topaz-X just bought and has not yet arrived;)

Topaz X error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 15:13:48 EST 2019 | slthomas

What is the R axis? Is that the nozzle?

Topaz X error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 12 14:22:58 EST 2019 | compit

if you want I have a service manual for Topaz-Xii - there is a new nozzle calibration program, but there are drawings with the placement of sensors. PS https://smtnet.com/Forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=20754&#Message79489

Topaz X error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 12 11:26:31 EST 2019 | aldrich17

Does anyone have any info. on an "E869" error code on a Phillips Topaz X SMT machine. Error screen shows "Nozzle down limit sensor is off in A-table YV100X:N2323 YV100XT:n2223 Please check sensor and remove to the cause of this sensor being off.

Topaz X error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 12 12:34:54 EST 2019 | compit

Do you have a service manual? There is a description of how to check and CALIBRATE the nozzle sensors (section "Placement Head").

Topaz X error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 14:06:35 EST 2019 | slthomas

My recollection is fuzzy, but don't the heads go down first, then the nozzle? If that's true, did you fire the heads only or both the heads and the nozzles?

Topaz X error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 14:24:05 EST 2019 | aldrich17

The heads attach to the nozzles, or vise versa, so both. At least that's what it seems to look like. Still having issues keeping the R-axis sensor in calibration this makes third day in a row of re calibrating them.

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