Electronics Forum: tyco quad 2c (Page 1 of 13)

Quad 2c - QA Error #0?

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 09:27:34 EST 2010 | kpm135

Its been a long time since I've worked with the Quads but if I remember right I've seen this error when the bearings went bad in the theta on the heads. Usually you can feel it when you try turning the Z-rod. Should be a nice smooth motion with littl

Quad 2c - QA Error #0?

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 26 10:28:09 EST 2010 | cruoff

QA Error #0 The strange part is that if I reprogram the Pickup over and over again, using the same variables, eventually the error goes away and does not return for that particular pickup. However it will occur again for subsequent pickups. Has

Quad 2c - QA Error #0?

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 29 16:28:24 EST 2010 | jmw

If i remember this correctly....and its been years.......check to see what your theta number is for the pickup or placement. The number has to be 1 of 4 values.

quad 4c

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 15 17:36:45 EST 2002 | jonfox

First of all, who are you buying it from? If it is not coming with any coverage (parts or tech support) from Tyco, don't make this your first one. They can adjust to just about anything you can program on them (big plus) but I would recommend havin

quad 4c

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 25 16:10:27 EST 2002 | btaylor

I have run the 4Cs for over 8 years it has been a good little machine. We use it for placing 10 mil pitch flip chips. I buy the yearly insurance through Tyco every year.

quad 4c

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 18 11:14:57 EST 2002 | bpan

Very good machine. Dont know about Claude but sounds like he doesnt know the machine too well. Be careful if you buy it because Tyco's Parts support for the machine are terrible. For ex. Tried to buy a sensor for the lifters on our transport and they

quad 1000 error

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 26 10:18:03 EDT 2005 | bobpan

Mike no longer is employed by Tyco. Also if i were a betting man......i would bet....that he doesnt know the quad 1000 inner workings toooo well.

quad 1000 error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 15:07:58 EST 2005 | bobpan

Hello C.B. I am a former trainer/fse for that machine and still have a q1000 bible for fixing problems. I think the machine may need servo tuned to which there is a procedure that i would have to find. First thing to do though, is to drop the machine

quad 1000 error

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 06 13:16:49 EST 2006 | mazink

Hello BOb, Sorry, I wasn't getting your responed because i wasn't log in completlt. I sent an email yesterday which is as follow.. I have a quad machine (QSV 1 PLUS) here and I been having problem with it since 2 month. massege keep coming says 1) B

quad 9QSV-1 Plus)

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 03 14:32:59 EST 2006 | mazink

Hello BOb, Sorry, I wasn't getting your responed because i wasn't log in completlt. I sent an email yesterday which is as follow.. I have a quad machine (QSV 1 PLUS) here and I been having problem with it since 2 month. massege keep coming says 1) B

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