Electronics Forum: uic gsm1 spec (Page 1 of 7)

Looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 09 11:15:48 EDT 2011 | temelyucel

we are looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines

Looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 15:26:42 EDT 2011 | vickt

what region? and to contract or for hire?

Looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 13:41:55 EDT 2011 | mmjm_1099

I am looking for one in the Wisconsin area. I have a GSM1 I purcahsed and need sonmeone to come in get it up and running so I can resell it on the used market.

Looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 20:19:14 EDT 2011 | edwaterfall01

Ex UIC FE (15 years) available for service work on all GSMs. If interested we can arrange to discuss further.

GSM1 manuals

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 11 03:57:29 EDT 2004 | ethercom

Need manuals for 1993 to 1995 vintage UIC GSM1 machines. Any suggestions?

Universal GSM1 manual

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 12:33:23 EDT 2007 | mika

If you run into any trouble with this, I will be more than happy to help you out. We have a spec. that includes everything that UIC says the transformer has to do. Now we contacted a local transformer manufactory; and guess what: we bought 8 of them

UIC GSM1 (Yr: 1993-1995) Operation Manual

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 07:59:25 EDT 2004 | Barney

I have it smtplace@bellsouth.net

Can a GSM place 0201's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 16:54:13 EDT 2004 | Vince Cook

Greg, Just to cover the formalities, I work for Universal, and specifically with the GSM Platform. The GSM with a 4 spindle head can place 0201s, however, there are a number of things you'll want to have, chief among them a 1 mil/pixel upward lo

UIC GSM1 (Yr: 1993-1995) Operation Manual

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 09 03:44:57 EDT 2004 | ethercom

Does anybody out there have a copy of early model GSM1 operation manual to sell? Please contact me.


Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 05 11:13:06 EST 2008 | dilogic

We are running an older GSM1 machine (sw.runs on OS/2) and I would appreciate any hints which vision algorithm to use for best results with QFN and similar parts. One of the ULC's is 2.6mil/pixel. - Dejan

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