Electronics Forum: ultrasonic nozzle spray (Page 1 of 22)

spray gun for flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 19 16:05:10 EST 2018 | ldavis

I created a spray fluxer for our wave solder years ago that is still working well although does consume a lot of flux and is also rather messy. It's cheap and easy though so what the heck, right? I just machined a manifold that will hold four BETE

nozzle cleaning GSM

Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 08:09:13 EDT 2013 | emeto

Ultrasonic Bath will be always your best choice. For cleaning solution you have to make more research. It will depend on your Nozzles material, company and ultrasonic bath requirements. For some ultrasonic baths alcohol might go in flames(some of the

Spray flux nozzle level

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 15 22:17:02 EDT 2006 | Thanagon

I'm now have target to flux saving. Could you please tell me. If we adjust level of spray fluxer nozzle up then we can saving cost of flux Quantity usage? What Others must adjust? such as pressure , flux flow. Thank you All for advise.

Spray flux nozzle level

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 08:37:51 EDT 2006 | Chunks

What type and brand of fluxer?

nozzle cleaning GSM

Electronics Forum | Tue May 21 10:20:09 EDT 2013 | swag

We've been using S100 total cycle cleaner for years - diluted in ultrasonic bath for about 10 minutes. Blow dry with medium psi nozzle. Works great.

Spray flux nozzle level

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 18 21:41:58 EDT 2006 | Thanagon

Dear Sir, We used TAMURA type : TAF30-12DNS. This type nozzle can't moving up and down but we will modify that.Please comment that is O.K.? Regards, Thanagon

nozzle cleaning GSM

Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 08:43:46 EDT 2013 | fredcalkins

If you have Flexhead nozzles you need to be careful that whatever solvent you use does not attack the gasket adhesive. I might try a couple of drops of a spray like WD-40 or LPS. Let it soak for a few minutes and blow it out with compressed air. Repe

Panasonic Pick & Place m/c Nozzle cleanner

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 01:44:16 EST 2020 | SMTA-Deepak

Need to know technically which nozzle cleaner is suitable Ultrasonic or Jet Spray nozzle cleaner ? Thanking you in advance .

What Does This Thread Express Newsletter Have To Do With SMT?

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 08 18:03:26 EST 2009 | davef

Roland What does this thread in the current issue of SMTnet Express newsletter have to do with SMT? Coating Drug-eluting Arterial Stents Using Ultrasonic Spray Nozzles One proven method used to treat clogged arteries employs tubular, mesh-like met

Selective Solder Flux Issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 15:13:41 EDT 2006 | samir

I hear Pillarhouse is the "Yugo" of Select soldering! :) Chunks et al is correct that if the innards of the fluxing system are made of non-corrosive mat'ls, you should be okay. I used to deal with the original AT&T Spray fluxers and their spray no

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