Electronics Forum | Tue May 13 15:21:51 EDT 2003 | stefwitt
I know, it can be done and I participated in many acceptance tests, in which we counted even the milliseconds. However, my vision had a bit shifted, since the time the Motorola�s and Flextronic�s dumped all these high volume machines to the market. I
Electronics Forum | Thu May 08 18:02:29 EDT 2008 | jwolvans
Russ, Take a look here: http://www.geigercounters.com/Monitor4.htm You can buy one already assembled, or buy the kit and build it yourself. I've built two of these kits, they work just fine.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 10:24:17 EDT 2010 | fönsi
Hello Does somebody of you have some experiences with ultrasonic detectors in SMT-Production? Is it possible to test quality of solder joints by using a ultrasonic detector similar to non destrucitve crack inspection tests? Is there a manufacturer fo
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 21:48:12 EST 2000 | Dave F
Guo: You want to know: 1 Can I use water as the solvent in an ultrasonic machine to remove solder paste from PCB? Continuing from Jason�s comments: Sure you can use water as the solvent to remove solder paste from PCB, but recognize that some flu
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 03 12:34:52 EDT 2019 | franjov
Equip-Test main product lines are Test Probes, Test Fixture Kits, Customized ICT & Functional Test Fixtures, Integrated ICT with Function Test capabilities. If you are looking for some of these products just let us know we are global suppliers for th
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 22 11:49:16 EST 2000 | Chris May
Can anyone recommend a solderability test kit. This would be used for SOT23, chip caps resistors etc; Thanks in advance, Chris
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 16 20:08:05 EST 2011 | hegemon
Maybe one of those test kits with lead detecting 'swabs'? Changes color when lead is present.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 02:25:32 EDT 2005 | Mike Konrad
The issue of using ultrasonic technology for post reflow de-fluxing presents challenges in two categories: Controversial: Although there are recent studies that indicate acceptance with ultrasonic technology on populated assemblies, there remains si
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 13:33:28 EDT 2017 | duchoang
We did some tests with good result. No failure physically and functionally. Is there report/study/documents about this procedure so we can convince customer to approve our process using ultrasonic wash. Thank you, Dave
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 11:36:33 EDT 2010 | fönsi
Thank you for the links. I didn't know that there are companys that build test systems for ultrasonic inspection. My idea was to use a ultrasonic detector similar to crack inspection, for example to detect if the cooling pad is melted, or a solder jo