Electronics Forum: universal instruments 2

GSM camera lens

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 08:56:30 EST 2008 | geb

Hi, The machine is a Universal GSM1 flexhead. Is it possible to just change the lens of a 2.6mil camera for a 1mil or 0.5mil lens. Or do I have to buy a complete camera assembly to do this? Thanks, Grant

GSM camera calibration.

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 18:01:22 EDT 2011 | comatose

We had a camera die on one of our GSMs. I got a new camera, and it is working, but I need to either find a cal kit to rent for a day, or else if someone knows a reasonably accurate procedure to calibrate the new camera using the other upward looking

Is anyone doing repairs on Universal GSM cameras?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 16:18:01 EDT 2004 | Steve

Universal does not do this anymore. I have 3 cameras which need repair, but would alternatively be willing to sell cores. 2, 4 mil and 1, 2.6 mil

Universal GSM1 with Shuttle

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 04:24:39 EDT 2005 | siverts

2.6 mil/pixel and a 4 mil/pixel cameras works maybe even better. It is sometimes a little bit difficult for the 1 mil/pixel cameras to accept parts; and it will take longer time to inspect a bigger QFP as it needs to take more pictures. We use 2.6 mi

Universal GSM1 with Shuttle

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 04:38:34 EDT 2005 | Rob

Hi, We used the 1 mil for 0402's etc. Admittedly most of our experience was on 2.6 & 4 mil as we mainly used the GSM's for oddform & fine pitch, but we found that the smaller chips went down better & more accurately with the smaller camera. Oh yeah

Can a GSM place 0201's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 16:54:13 EDT 2004 | Vince Cook

Greg, Just to cover the formalities, I work for Universal, and specifically with the GSM Platform. The GSM with a 4 spindle head can place 0201s, however, there are a number of things you'll want to have, chief among them a 1 mil/pixel upward lo

GSM Machines

Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 08:53:48 EDT 2007 | davem

I have been working with the UIC GSM platform for 6 years now in an EMS environment. Operating, programming, configuration, and line installation. I do not work for Universal or represent them in any way. UIC is a 1st rate company with excellent and

Universal GSM and 0402/0201 Placement

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 16:57:14 EST 2015 | dilogic

I doubt you will be able to get satisfactory results with 0201. 0402 is another story. When doing 0402 projects, we use only electric (MP) feeders and always at the same feeder slots (feeder teach done for each of them). MPF08 nozzle works fine. Also

Universal Advantis

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 12 16:16:33 EST 2006 | PWH

Thanks JAX and Cmiller. I have spec'd "on the head" optics 2.6 mpp. No upward cameras but might "wire" it for magellan digital for future add-on. Will be buying/using prec. pro. feeders but might have to use some old GSM pneumatics from time to ti

New Pick and Place Operation

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 02 16:33:08 EDT 2004 | davem

Fuji is the best, but there are other alternatives besides Quad. If you really want to look at Fuji, take a peek at their XP142E series. With "Vision processing on the fly" and a "Mini Turret Head" with 12 placement nozzles it should fit your needs n


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