Electronics Forum: universal instruments 36 inch conveyor jmw (Page 1 of 1)

Manual handling aftrer Pick n place

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 22 16:39:26 EST 2011 | eadthem

Your typical high mix line would consist of, Stencil printer, 1-2 foot conveyor belt, fast PNP machine (say a universal 30 spindle turret lightning head), 1-2 foot conveyor belt, large/heavy part PNP (say a universal flex jet 7 spindle or 4 Spindle),

Re: Brush-Up Your Intermetalics!!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 22:10:48 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | | | | | for example: | | | | | | Solder Bridge | | | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | | | 2.verify turbulance on


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