Electronics Forum: universal instruments gsm mmit vme board (Page 1 of 1)

GSM Enhanced board set-up

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 13 20:29:19 EDT 2008 | Jeff

You will have to upgrade your software. You should be able to get free upgrades from Universal. You will also need to make an upgrade to your VME.

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 08 09:45:11 EDT 2015 | edwaterfall01

It would be helpful to know what happened before the error occurred. Do you have another machine so that you can swap some boards? The Force CPU, (machine controller) located in the VME, is responsible for controlling all machine-related activities.

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 11:01:37 EDT 2015 | bnorton

Machine->Config and set all their addresses to 0. We have swapped the EPC5, the VGA Video, the Force board, and most recently the Lantern 630VME. Watching the Force board COMM2 with Logicomm, at the end of all the ldx file processing it changes to c

Universal GSM 2

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 14:08:22 EDT 2014 | dilogic

No, each card in LP servo rack drives only one motor. But there is an servo cotnroller board (actually 3 of them) in the VME rack (where all computers are). Third one from the left(slot13) controls head2 theta and z axis. That might be a cause of you

Pick and Place Machine Validation

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 16 22:45:29 EST 2005 | MG Cyr

Thanks for the positive feedback. In addition our standard manufacturing validation, all of our Platform SM products (GSM, Advantis, Genesis etc.)include "on-board" CPK validation and "self calibration". In addition we do have a global relationship w

Re: placement of 8 ml smt components

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 15:29:15 EDT 1998 | matthew park

Tim, What is it? Which ones are you talking about: 0.080" vs 0.008", 0.100" vs 0.010", or 0.050" vs 0.005" pitch devices . If you are saying 0.080",0.100" and 0.050", any pick and place machine can handle that. Well if not, one machine that is ca

Need Advice on SMT Pick&Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 23 17:01:23 EST 2005 | adlsmt

You may want to look at Universal Instruments as well. We had Assembleon, Panasonic and Contact systems equipment and decided to try to pick one platform for the future to simplify programming and training. We are a high mix CM that also does high vo


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