Electronics Forum: used mydata model 2000 towers (Page 1 of 1)

MYDATA MY9 Machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 10:35:39 EST 2022 | paddymanoj

I have a used MYDATA Pick & Place Machine. It is MY9 and year 2000 Model (almost 22 years old). I have 5 extra magazines of this Machine (MY9). I want to know, if I can use these Magazines with any other latest MYDATA model. If someone can tell me, w


Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 30 15:12:55 EDT 2000 | John Thorup

Hi Walter It might be a stupid question but have you tried cal comp? This is a current model and they shouldn't have any trouble supporting it. www.GTCOcalcomp.com Did you buy it with the Mydata? Most of their options have to be activated with a "se

Re: IPC and Nepcon

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 14:42:22 EST 1998 | Dave F

| I heard somewhere that SMEMA has joined IPC, and that the association has decided to boycott Nepcon from | year 2000. Can anyone tell me if this is true | Nick: SMEMA and IPC are talking about merging (EP&P, 11/98, p 18). Below is a news release


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