Electronics Forum: using baking trays as esd trays (Page 1 of 5)

used component matrix trays

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 14:04:44 EDT 2015 | ehess

does anyone know where used matrix trays could be purchased? Topline wants a ridiculous amount for them. Need to handle parts 16.2mm x 12.3mm x 2.31mm. REceived in T&R but need trays to bake out and then place.

Micro BGA baking

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 13 17:38:05 EDT 2001 | fmonette

Praveen, Once you find out the MS level of your components, you will need to track the exposure time from when the parts are initially removed from their dry bags, through test, programming, taping, and during subsequent dry storage and use of thes

Moisture Sensitive part - baking

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 25 08:39:15 EDT 2007 | gsala

If plastic Carrier Tape (CT)/ emboss tape, is made by: a)Polycarbonate material, it can withstand temperature around 120C� or may be more mantaining original dimension. b)Polystirene material, at max 45�C-50C� the CT starts to change dimensions and

fine pitch/BGA component handling

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 19 11:30:11 EST 2002 | russ

What temp. are you planning on baking them? If this is long term process I would recommend that you hav trays made out of an appropriate ESDS material that can withstand your bake temp (such as duropol)for your QFPs. You can have several patterns/pa

ESD protection

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 19 00:07:10 EDT 2002 | kenbliss

arzucom, have you considered using trays to handle your boards in process and your handbuilds. This method is fast becoming the industry standard method for a large variety of reasons, specifically ESD as when the boards are in the tray your people

ESD protection

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 19 00:07:31 EDT 2002 | kenbliss

arzucom, have you considered using trays to handle your boards in process and your handbuilds. This method is fast becoming the industry standard method for a large variety of reasons, specifically ESD as when the boards are in the tray your people

BGA Baking in Reels?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 15:09:43 EST 2008 | chef

Don't do it.!!!! Are you nucking futs? Why is pre-bake required? Are you producing in high humidity? Is the package of the device poroues enough to suck in moisture? Think, consider you will not get an even "bake", the outside of the reel will get

jedec tray tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 07 05:28:49 EDT 2009 | kpm135

In my experience tape is bad when packaging trays. I've always seen them packaged with the banded straps when coming from manufactures or brokers. For repackaging we either use ESD safe rubber bands or ESD safe velcro straps.

ESD Shelving

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 15:25:19 EDT 2021 | lasmith132

Can the plastic shelving be used if the ESD sensitive material are in ESD safe bags? ESD safe containers? on ESD safe trays? Thank you!

Tray Parts and Velcro Straps

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 07 09:52:27 EST 2002 | dougt

Not being a smart alic, just curious....... So if velcro is made out of that black esd safe material then it is safe to use around sensitive parts? Is there no static discharge or is it transferred to the tray and out the mat/wriststrap? They could

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