Electronics Forum: versa flow dual (Page 1 of 4)

ERSA versa as alternative to wave soldering in low vol high mix

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 29 12:52:21 EDT 2005 | pr

We have 2 dual head Versa-flows in line. We use them mainly for doublesided reflow jobs that have connectors and axial parts. I have about 15 jobs currently running on them. The advantage of having 2, is some of our boards have through hole on 1 side

ERSA versa as alternative to wave soldering in low vol high mix

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 01:21:05 EDT 2005 | cmiller

PS, sorry for any confusion, ALDSMT and CMILLER are both me. ADLSMT is my user name on SMTNET and CMILLER is me, cmiller@adltech.com I usually use cmiler to reply to stuff as if anybody e-mails me it makes more sense. adltech.com is a work in progr

ERSA versa as alternative to wave soldering in low vol high mix

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 29 11:49:46 EDT 2005 | stalkerb

forgot to write, what config of machine do you have......? single or dual Pot / Highspeed.....?

ERSA versa as alternative to wave soldering in low vol high mix

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 01:07:08 EDT 2005 | cmiller

We have a dual pot machine. The fluxer is not the slowest part of the process on most boards. However, we looked at running boards that had many hundreds of TH leads that we currently run through the wave in order to try not to buy a wave for lead-fr

ERSA versa as alternative to wave soldering in low vol high mix

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 02:47:01 EDT 2005 | stalkerb

Thanks Cmiller & PR, I am warmed to hear others are doing this sort of thing.......like all inovative ideas, you often stumble into them. As far as im aware the ERSA dual Pot is the only machine avaiable on the market that can do this sort of thing

ERSA versa as alternative to wave soldering in low vol high mix

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 29 11:42:35 EDT 2005 | pr

If you are talking about smt components I'd say absolutely not. If these are through hole components I'd say possibly (if they are in rows, and not a whole lot of them). The machine is slow, but the quality is great. Creating a wave profile takes abo

Selective Solder machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 02 14:10:41 EDT 2012 | kahrpr

The versa flow is defiantly a better machine. However its not a fair comparison the versa flow costs about 4 times the cost of the ace. For the money the Ace is a good machine.

ERSA VersaFlow

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 20 18:37:02 EDT 1998 | Jason

Does anyone use the VersaFlow system from ERSA? If so how reliable is it really? and what does the actual repeatability look like? Any maintenance problems or parts issues? ERSA almost promises 100% yield from this machine for our application. That

Selective Soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 14 15:26:13 EDT 1998 | G. Henning

Gentlemen, Can anyone provide information on selective soldering systems that compete with Ersa's VersaFlow? Does anyone have experience with this machine or other machines of this nature? My company is considering acquiring to increase technical c

Dual Lane SMT Processing

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 23 15:46:23 EDT 2015 | g2garyg2

I have experience with Dual and triple lane production and perhaps can assist. I am on the PCB handling side so I am not vendor specific but more about good line flow. Many companies offer dual lane solutions today and for high volume automotive ther

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