Electronics Forum: vga driver (Page 1 of 1)

MPM SPM Trackball Upgrade

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 23 15:35:19 EST 2016 | aemery

Westshored; Not sure how helpful I can be as there are details missing from your description. So I will try and give you some requirements that may help us sort this out. The Speedline UPGR was UPGR-026 and 027, depending on the machine type. The


Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 08:26:24 EDT 2010 | rgduval

According to MyData, you'll need a new computer box. The older computers in the TP's don't support VGA, for some silly reason. So you're stuck with the RGB monitors. I haven't tried, but, I suspect that if you were to get a new(er) video card, ins


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