Electronics Forum: vi technology 3k premium (Page 1 of 1)

AOI for solder inspection

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 19:47:46 EDT 2009 | bigdaddysoy9

I programmed Orbotech VT-8000 and VT-9300 for around 5 years also. We have been using VI Technology Vi3k3 machines for the past 2 years. I find them to be far superior to the Orbotech machines in every way. To be fair, the Orbotech models we used wer

AOI False calls

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 26 21:03:24 EDT 2009 | bigdaddysoy9

I have noticed this on some of our large multi-circuit panels. It's such a slight rise in our false call rate that I haven't really explored it. I'm just guessing that it has something to do with the fiducials calculating the twist/shrink of the boar

Machine AOI

Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 21:25:06 EDT 2012 | bigdaddysoy9

thomas31, We have been using Vi Technology 3k3 and 5k machines for about 5 years and have been very happy with them. They are easy to program, mechanically robust and have good support if you need it. If possible, you should narrow it down to


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