Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 26 08:45:05 EDT 2019 | huske
I use Viewmate, I cant compare it to anything else but it gets the job done. https://www.pentalogix.com/t/software-products/viewmate
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 20:09:12 EDT 2021 | tsauve
Viewmate (Deluxe) - some what clunky printing to pdf, but works fine
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 23 15:01:14 EDT 2024 | proceng1
Viewmate and Gerbv
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 19 13:03:17 EDT 2020 | esoderberg
Take a look at Viewmate. Its free and allows to evaluate, measure, etc any gerber file
Electronics Forum | Thu May 02 14:58:20 EDT 2013 | stephendo
Kurtz had a guy that was great with the machine. I strongly suggest that you watch the wave height test a few times in the morning then at lunch and at the end of the day. Look where the solder goes up to on the probe. If it doesn't work consistent
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 08:19:50 EST 1999 | Dave F
| Clarissa, | | Dave had good suggestions. We load several boards manual at this time. We set our components up in clearly marked bins. The documentation includes a chart with the part number, bin number, reference designator and color code for t
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 09:01:28 EST 1999 | Nancy
Dave, Thanks for the information. If I ever have to do that again I will be prepared. We are looking to set up a SMT automated line in house so hopefully I won't need it. Nancy | | Clarissa, | | | | Dave had good suggestions. We load several bo
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 13 20:44:42 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory
Hello Sanjay! The cheap deal I use that Earl spoke of is called a SMarT Measure. It's a depth measuring microscope that uses the same principle of measuring optical focus that the units from Vision Engineering do ( if you've ever looked at any
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 11:08:29 EST 1999 | Mike McMonagle
Steve, Whoa, take a breath! That was at least a dollar three-eighty answer. I've got to agree that nothing can replace a qualified, concientious operator for assuring quality. When I too worked at a small shop there in SillyCone Valley, my seni
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 15:22:14 EST 1999 | Earl Moon
| Steve, | Whoa, take a breath! That was at least a dollar three-eighty answer. I've got to agree that nothing can replace a qualified, concientious operator for assuring quality. When I too worked at a small shop there in SillyCone Valley, my
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