Electronics Forum: vitronics air knife (Page 1 of 18)

Hot air knife in wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 01:48:16 EDT 1998 | Roni Haviv

Hello, I need some users information about "hot air knife" after the wave bath: - Defects reduction ? - In what kind of boards(TH/SMT SOICS ect.) it is applied ? - Where can I purchase it as a retrofit (Soltec Delta 6622cc) ?

Re: Hot air knife in wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 09:23:59 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| Hello, | | I need some users information about "hot air knife" after the wave | bath: | - Defects reduction ? | - In what kind of boards(TH/SMT SOICS ect.) it is applied ? | - Where can I purchase it as a retrofit (Soltec Delta 6622cc) ? |

Re: Hot air knife in wave soldering/Look An Earlier Thread

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 12:47:08 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| Hello, | | I need some users information about "hot air knife" after the wave | bath: | - Defects reduction ? | - In what kind of boards(TH/SMT SOICS ect.) it is applied ? | - Where can I purchase it as a retrofit (Soltec Delta 6622cc) ? |

vitronics delta 6622 fluxer

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 22 04:14:36 EDT 2010 | mun4o

Sorry,I saw 'ShoRate' gauge at the back of the machine.Yes, when fluxer working, the ball moving.But from fluxer head flow only air.

vitronics delta 6622 fluxer

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 17 04:26:44 EDT 2010 | mun4o

Hi, we have vitronics delta 6622 in your production.Problem with fluxer starting 3 weeks ago.Fluxer moving, but not spraing????I check flux system , and dont find any problems with machine.Clean the spray nozzle with compressed air , but nothing.may

debridging hot air knife.

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 13 05:25:03 EDT 2001 | surachai

I would like to know about the efficiency of hot air knife debridging option with wave solder machine ,anyone use this option please suggestion to me about yield ,side effect or profitable of this option . Thanks.

debridging hot air knife.

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 14 10:34:42 EDT 2001 | davef

This portion of SMTnet is intended for people whining about the operation of the forums and what-not. A lot of the people asking questions like your use the production forum. We don't have an air knife on our wave, but I recall some threads on SMTn

Re: Hot air knif in wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 10:12:53 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| Hello, | I need some users information about "Air knif" in wave soldering: | 1. Does it decreases bridging ? | 2. Is it self installed of a purchesed kit (if purchesed, who are the recomended vendors) ? | 3. Any other information about the issue. |

Re: Component Failure caused by Hot Air Knife

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 17:06:23 EDT 2000 | jackofalltrades

On the Vitronics/Soltec Wave Soldering Machines, we have no problems with the hot air knife (called a "Select X De-Bridging Tool" by Vitronics). We have both Delta's and Delta Max's. We have used both air and nitrogen with no problems. When using a "

Using Air Knife in Wave Machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 07:37:01 EST 2011 | bk

which air knife do you wanna know about an air knife as part of a fluxer or a hot air knife to help with bridging problems?

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