Electronics Forum: void on bga (Page 1 of 77)

void on BGA Ball due to via on BGA pad

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 16 09:59:49 EDT 2002 | dason_c

We baked the board first and print 2 mil water soluble paste at the BGA location and reflow. Wash and baked before the production run.

void on BGA Ball due to via on BGA pad

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 15 15:58:12 EDT 2002 | robertnguyen

To whom this may concern, I recently ran into the problem with vias on pads of BGA when place BGA and reflow gas trap on vias escape and result in ball having void greater than 50% of BGA diameter. The BGA pad is measured at 20 mils and the vias mea

void on BGA Ball due to via on BGA pad

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 16 10:00:03 EDT 2002 | davef

You have a very bad situation. It�s tough for the gas, flux material, er whatever to escape when the BGA is sitting on top of it and the blind via is blocking it from the other side. Obviously the vias should have been: * Placed on the edge of the

BGA void removal

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 09 08:55:28 EDT 2002 | russ

okay, so how does the DRS remove voids from BGAs?

Standard for BGA void

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 14:44:58 EDT 2002 | mzaboogie

Hi Ben, IPC610 has a pass/fail of 25% of ball volume. Hope this helps

BGA void removal

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 30 09:00:26 EDT 2002 | arcandspark

Russ, I have been reworking BGA's for over five years now and have never been able to remove voids in the solder balls without removing the BGA itself. Your thermal profile can also cause the voids along with a poor solder paste. I have experimented

BGA void removal

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 19 11:48:39 EDT 2002 | davef

Good points, John. Continuing to track on the voiding issue, why remove voids anyhow? * Voids are primarily process indicators. There is experimental evidence that voids retard crack propagation locally around the void on at least on a temporary bas

BGA void removal

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 09 17:44:46 EDT 2002 | alj

I guess you don't use one. Call them and I'm sure they will solve your problems and teach you a little bit about BGA rework profiling... CHEERS!

Standard for BGA void

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 21 03:52:38 EDT 2002 | Ben

I'm doing lead-free SMT of BGA with 450 micron ball. I found there are lots of voids under xray, there are around 2-3 voids in every balls. It is around 10% of volume ratio. I would like to ask if anyone know there is any standard of acceptable maxim

Standard for BGA void

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 21 09:09:54 EDT 2002 | Ben

thanks for ur help. i would also like to know the classes is for showing different level of requirement, or for different vertical location of void in joint. coz I heard from my workmate that the range from 9% to 36% is for void at different vertical

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