Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 28 16:03:53 EST 2005 | Chris
I have lots of experience with thermosonic gold ball bonding. You can read the literature and you will probably find some papers that say you can do it. I have never been able to do it. We gold ball bond all day long with little problems at all bu
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 16:09:02 EST 1997 | Justin Medernach
| I am designing an SMT pad for a ss metal switch. | Finished copper thickness is .0014 and nickle-plating | originally is 150 millionths. Initial testing yields 100,000 to 150,000 switches before intermitent failures (copper is reached.) I want 50
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 16:42:50 EST 2009 | cuperpeter
Hello All, > > I have a problem with nonwetting Au > finish after second cycle of reflow soldering > doublesided boards. Solder nonwetted pcb pads (is > wicked to component terminations) Either these > pads or some of non component pads became
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 25 17:40:16 EST 2009 | cuperpeter
Hello All, I have a problem with nonwetting Au finish after second cycle of reflow soldering doublesided boards. Solder nonwetted pcb pads (is wicked to component terminations) Either these pads or some of non component pads became discoloured from
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 14 11:04:54 EDT 2008 | herman
Samir, To correct some misconceptions on the answers to your question, and "what you know from experience": With both ENIG (Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold-IAu) and IAg (immersion silver), soldering does not take place to the gold or the silver. Wh
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 17:58:44 EST 1999 | Dave F
Dave: You should see a solder smudge on the gold plating where the ball was attached, if there is (was) solder reflow during either the (1) BGA fabrication, (2) your BGA attach, and / or (3) your BGA removal. You rework will not remove the solder
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 07 20:07:21 EST 1999 | Dave C.
Thanks for all the info Dave. It's the interconnect between the copper foil pad and the eutectic solder ball that I'm most interested in. The BGA in question is very thin gold plated over nickel over the copper. When we are reworking the BGA, i
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 03 18:17:12 EST 1999 | Dave F
Dave: There's lots of stuff on the web describing BGAs. Examples are: http://www.smtnet.com/bookstore/publications/0speckdo1/s1.html http://www.smtnet.com/bookstore/publications/0shutcco1/ch1p2.html http://www.citizen-america.com/OEM/bga/process
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 16:13:00 EDT 2010 | davef
The aluminum material is typically plated by a zincation process, followed by nickel plate and a gold flash layer. What do the soldered side of the component and the soldered side of the aluminum coin look like? Do they both take solder?
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 09:51:53 EST 2006 | Loco
Thanks for the replies, it is getting clearer now. We called a PCB supplier and acted if we didnt know what was what, he actually told us its all the same, chemical, flash, immersion, all the same... It is now getting clearer why we are sometimes ge