Electronics Forum: window (Page 1 of 90)

Juki / Zevatech 730/740 - MS Parameters window

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 09:15:15 EDT 2018 | muzzy

Sarason, thank you very much for your reply. I already have this manual but, unfortunately, it only mentions this elusive "MS Parameters" window but doesn't state how to get there and what is the password. Regards, M.

Mirtec MV-2HTL programming: Inspection window out of frame range

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 18:44:00 EST 2011 | rodrigo

Yeap, It did! Thanks.

Juki / Zevatech 730/740 - MS Parameters window

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 10:18:47 EDT 2018 | charliedci

This might help. See attached:

Juki / Zevatech 730/740 - MS Parameters window

Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 22:41:32 EDT 2019 | pcbindex1

PCBs applied in vehicles are the fastest growing sub-industry

How wide is the window for the good pasteprint:

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 08:33:25 EDT 2000 | M. Pirttimaa

I would like to read your opinion of the following matter: How wide is the window for good pasteprint quality if the quantity of paste is its indicator? Usually the amount of paste on landings varies quite a lot from set to set and there are signif

Juki / Zevatech 730/740 - MS Parameters window

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 07:50:03 EDT 2018 | muzzy

Hello Stephen, thank you for your reply. This machine uses binary files to store the settings (or at least stores backups as binary files). Also, this "MS Parameters" window contains not only parameters alone but also calibration procedures, so it wo

Juki / Zevatech 730/740 - MS Parameters window

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 09:10:45 EDT 2018 | sarason

I have a Juki KE750 Instruction Manual if that is of any use sarason

Juki / Zevatech 730/740 - MS Parameters window

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 07:27:47 EDT 2018 | stephendo

A lot of machines have such parameters stored in an ascii file that can be edited with notepad. But of course doing so could be the fastest way to destroy a machine with a typo.

Juki / Zevatech 730/740 - MS Parameters window

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 10:44:19 EDT 2018 | muzzy

Hello charliem. Thank you so much! Yes, it looks like the information I need. I will try it and report back in a few days. Thank you once again! Regards, M.

Mirtec MV-2HTL programming: Inspection window out of frame range

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 13:34:18 EST 2011 | rodrigo

Hi all, I just finished programming a board in this AOI machine and I'm getting the same IC rejected in every board with this error: Inspection window out of frame range. I don't know how to fix this because the frames get generated automatically

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