Electronics Forum: windows 98 (Page 1 of 5)

RTI 6500 AOI...Camera not working, we upgraded to windows 2000

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 16 18:26:41 EST 2008 | peshlakai74

We upgraded our windows software from windows 98 to windows 2000, now the camers doesn't work. Could this be the problem? Thanks Eric

SiemensMS72a -looking for parts, Wrote new windows GUI

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 09:19:35 EDT 2006 | lfaustini

Hello, I recently purchased a used (obviously!) Siemens ms72a pick and place machine. This is an old unit, that was "run" by an old HP9000 computer, over IEEE488 bus. Also, the machine came with no (zero!) documentation ! (not one book!) Hav

Software for Samsung CP40(LV)

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 20:30:41 EDT 2019 | unsung

I have a CP45 neo that's running on windows xp and others that running on windows 98 the Cp20 is running on windows 95 I believe. What windows is the cp40 using currently? 98?

Quad Autoprogram Software

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 10 15:48:49 EST 2001 | vickij

I am looking for someone who has run Autoprogram software by Quad in Windows98. It was written for Windows 3.11, and the tech support guys at quad say they think it can be run in Win98, but aren't sure how to make it work. Any help would be apprec

DATAPAQ profiler software

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 29 10:40:46 EST 2001 | franciscoioc

I have a datapaq 2000 profiler with a version 1.31 software and it saids it can only be used with windows 3.1. Does anyone have a copy of a later version software that i can use on windows 98 for this profiler.

Can't Loading (Windows 98)

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 13 07:12:43 EDT 2015 | bambang_farel1

Hi,,, Good Evening We have problem machine heller 1707EXL can't loading windows,,, Thank you,,,

Quad Autoprogram Software

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 16:36:50 EST 2001 | chugarth

Vicki, I also am in need of the autoprogram for quad. I have tried several different computers with Windows 98 and have not had any luck. If you find a way to make it work let me know. Chuck

Asymtek vs. Camalot

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 12 10:54:54 EDT 2005 | captain_kurt

for conformal coat we are having issues with the camalot P.C.'s, the software is not supported past the windows 98 platform, we are looking at asymtek now, there is also an up and comer called USI....

Can't Loading (Windows 98)

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 13 17:05:12 EDT 2015 | island2013

I think we can probably help you. We have a lot of experience fixing computers for various types of machines. Please contact me at chris@islandsmt.com or 813-880-8262.

quad qsp

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 01 10:09:57 EDT 2010 | ppm

New Single board computers are faster and substantially improve machine software performance. They include built in Ethernet (network), sound card & USB capability making files transfers & backups easier and faster. Win XP is a more secure platform

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