Electronics Forum: wire cable stripper (Page 1 of 10)

Mechanical stripper for fine magnet wire

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 19:20:39 EDT 2003 | severs

Fine magnet wire responds well to abrasion stripping. Here's one I've used: http://www.carpentermfg.com/magnet.htm Teflon requires a different kind of stripper called a twin blade rotary stripper or a precision die stripper because it's subject to

Mechanical stripper for fine magnet wire

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 16:48:08 EDT 2003 | coeps

I am shopping for a fine magnet/manganin wire stripper. Something to strip a variety of coatings from Formavar to Teflon off of 30awg and up wires. Something easy to use and set up. Anyone got one they can recommend? Thanks coeps

Mechanical stripper for fine magnet wire

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 04 13:17:03 EDT 2004 | Mike Khosh

I have designed a tool that works great on magnet wires. I am in the process of applying for patent. The tool will work on ml coated magnet wires (36-45 AWG). If you are intersted, please send an email to mkhosh@bellsouth.net.

Mechanical stripper for fine magnet wire

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 21:50:47 EDT 2003 | davef

We like to use "enameled wire" that can be stripped by hot solder. Formvar [105�C] will not do that. Formvar was designed to with stand the hot oil seen in transformers. So, it requires either chemical or mechanical stripping. Most polyurethanes

solder wire

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 01 03:46:57 EDT 2001 | wbu

Have never heard of solderballs during rework using solder wire. Noticed the tendency to have little balls of flux with too hot iron and lots of solder used for shields or massive cables to be connected. Seems to me a question of believe if it does

Cable Assembly Machines???

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 07:47:24 EDT 2007 | davef

Many equipment suppliers sell used / refurbished equipment. Amoung wire stripper / preparation machine suppliers are: * Artos Engineering; PO Box 1650, Waukesha, WI 53187; 262-524-6600 F 262-524-0400 artosnet.com * Eraser; 6734 Townline Rd, Mattyda

EastonTech - EW-02 Questions

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 02 16:58:41 EST 2020 | rlising

Has anyone on the forum own a EASTONTECH EW-02A wire stripper and cutting machine? I get a message after a cut. Output amounts vlue. Please recount.

LSM Cable

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 21:10:06 EST 2003 | Dean

ohm out a sandard 25 pin d-sub. Make wire diagram. do the same to the lsm cable. If same, use standard cable. If different, buy cable and solder lug d-sub connectors and make your own cable. couple hours work.

Re: Soldering stranded wires to FR4 pcb

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 14:36:11 EDT 1998 | Jeff Sanchez

| With current soldering of stranded wires to pcb assy's the wire tends to be very brittle and can break with very little movement of the wire. We use a low residue cored wire. Anybody with advice or who has seen a similar problem/knows how to overco

Re: Stripping Magnet Wire

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 22:40:43 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| I need a good chemical to remove the lacquer finish off of magnet wire. I know there are different kinds but I need one that really works. Any suggestions would be great. thanks in advance guys. | Jeff: Scott's correct. Buy a mechical stripper f

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