Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 06 20:06:33 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory
Hey there ya'll!! I just started a new job with a contract assembly company out here in Sunnyvale, California, and we're just starting up later this month. I was wondering if anybody out here in the San Fransisco Bay Area as well, has any excess
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 10:58:43 EDT 2001 | CAL
We use Arlink for our portable SMT work surface. http://www.arlink.com. Now for question number 2: "Are portable SMT workbenches out there with stencil storage? " I hope you are referring to frameless stencils or even better Micro Stencils- A hollow
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 08:51:31 EDT 2001 | hinerman
I would like input from anyone interested in a SMT Production Work Cart. What features should be included in such a system? I have been asked to spec one out from our machine shop. Are portable SMT workbenches out there with stencil storage? Than
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 23 13:27:41 EDT 1998 | Jim Gustin
One of my customers is looking for something to rid his workbenches of solder fumes. What vendors and technologies are available at reasonable cost?
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 23 13:22:56 EDT 1998 | Jim Gustin
One of my customers is looking for something to rid his workbenches of solder fumes. What vendors and technologies are available at reasonable cost?
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 23 13:27:26 EDT 1998 | Jim Gustin
| One of my customers is looking for something to rid his workbenches of solder fumes. What vendors and technologies are available at reasonable cost?
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 23 23:03:47 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory
| | | One of my customers is looking for something to rid his workbenches of solder fumes. What vendors and technologies are available at reasonable cost?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 14:58:52 EST 2007 | jhaviland
Another question. Did you also use the table Mirtec provides for the desktop models? They work horribly on even a slightly unstable table, Which is what I have seen. Very outstanding machines but crippled by an employers choice of using a standa
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 26 19:35:23 EST 1998 | Wayne Bracy
| I'm trying to find a source for a tilt device for use when doing touch-up soldering. Employee needs to raise the board above standard bench height for better access to the board and for better posture. Angle of the tilt device should be adjustabl
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 18 09:10:17 EST 2002 | davef
We use an internally developed database. Check Quality Magazine http://www.qualitymag.com for supplier conracts. We looked at: * novasoft 617.221.0300 * PQ systems 800.777.3020 (Workbench $1k) * Quality Management Products 888.255.1992 Mike Haines