Electronics Forum: x y (Page 1 of 78)

Ayuda URgente X axis GSM2 dual beam (4688A) machine error Y1 y Y2

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 02 17:41:04 EST 2021 | astarotf

The heads in the middle of production stop and this error appears. We already checked the readers, linear encoders and changed the UIMC cards and found no errors, apparently all these revised parts are working. Can anyone help us where else can we c

Ayuda URgente X axis GSM2 dual beam (4688A) machine error Y1 y Y2

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 14:25:02 EST 2021 | astarotf

Hi Spoiltforchoice Thanks for the comment. With the line encoder readers that the machine brings, we performed a positioning reading check, which showed us the increase or decrease in the path that the heads make, with which we conclude that it is re

Ayuda URgente X axis GSM2 dual beam (4688A) machine error Y1 y Y2

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 10:14:45 EST 2021 | spoiltforchoice

I don't have one of these machines, but what kind of checks are you able to do on the linear encoders? On our Essemtec there is a dedicated diagnostic utility that gives you a plot of the encoder readout showing both the raw readout as a sort of roun

How do I calibrate the Position camera on the x wagon

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 14 13:20:13 EDT 2020 | tomdegas

I have a MY12 running TPS 2.8.1 and I need to know how to calibrate the X wagon Visin system. The machine is off in the Y direction after I removed and replaced the camera.

Quad IV-c with Y-axis problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 07:11:07 EST 2019 | bobpan

x and y are the same...just change switches. t and z are the same...just change switches. The voltages on the cards are different(x/y same--t/z same)....i do have a procedure somewhere that allows you to make an x/y card into a t/z card. good luck

Siemens line computer

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 10 07:43:59 EST 2002 | Tal

how siemens line computer automatic calculate the tolerance for the x,y body and for the Packaging X,Y Tol ( i need a rule or formula)

x-y data generation

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 11:34:55 EST 2005 | Dougs

Has anyone heard of any software that can be used to clean up or manipulate x-y placement data. We are a small contract manufacturer with various customers, some who supply good x-y data to component centres and some who supply x-y data to a pin or

Universal Dip Inserter 6796

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 20 08:18:20 EST 1999 | Claude Couture

The situation: When I press the "ZERO" button of the dip inserter, the x-y table moves very slowly toward the -x -y corner. If I release the button, the x-y table stops. The 36 vdc is dead. I replaced the "1REC" (it was fried) and the problem is st

screen printer - vision

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 08:15:37 EDT 2004 | pjc

MPM uses a one-print-Mylar system, as do other printer mfrs. In this system there is a Mylar sheet attached to a frame that is secured over the printer table with the board on it. You print onto the Mylar. The table X-Y-theta manual adjustments are u

Quad 2C

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 05:12:43 EST 2011 | bobpan

Motor error 4 is an error that is caused by the machine not reaching a position in a timely matter. Usually its in the x/y axis but also could be z. If you have cleared the mod codes (function 35 shift 7) the machine should home. Usually this problem

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