Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 02 17:41:04 EST 2021 | astarotf
The heads in the middle of production stop and this error appears. We already checked the readers, linear encoders and changed the UIMC cards and found no errors, apparently all these revised parts are working. Can anyone help us where else can we c
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 14:25:02 EST 2021 | astarotf
Hi Spoiltforchoice Thanks for the comment. With the line encoder readers that the machine brings, we performed a positioning reading check, which showed us the increase or decrease in the path that the heads make, with which we conclude that it is re
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 10:14:45 EST 2021 | spoiltforchoice
I don't have one of these machines, but what kind of checks are you able to do on the linear encoders? On our Essemtec there is a dedicated diagnostic utility that gives you a plot of the encoder readout showing both the raw readout as a sort of roun
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 14 13:20:13 EDT 2020 | tomdegas
I have a MY12 running TPS 2.8.1 and I need to know how to calibrate the X wagon Visin system. The machine is off in the Y direction after I removed and replaced the camera.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 11:07:59 EST 2018 | ilavu
Ray, Did you solve this problem? I am having same error on same model machine. My problem is, when camera axis moves to look at the first fiducial, camera hits to the cleaner and error comes up with rising table error, camera axis not home. Even log
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 17 05:42:58 EDT 2007 | mika
Hi Shrek, I quote: " Well, whether your parents like it or not, I am an ogre! And guess what, princess Mika? That's not about to change. My background is that I�m a big, good looking guy that is used to gettin� my way with my wit and muscle." I don
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 07:11:07 EST 2019 | bobpan
x and y are the same...just change switches. t and z are the same...just change switches. The voltages on the cards are different(x/y same--t/z same)....i do have a procedure somewhere that allows you to make an x/y card into a t/z card. good luck
Electronics Forum | Wed May 23 14:47:39 EDT 2001 | Steven Sicard
Hi Justin Thanks for your help. I was looking more like a list of trays with size and nests Ex: MQFP 14X14 SizeX SizeY NestX NestY Any ideas???
Electronics Forum | Sat May 29 02:20:08 EDT 2010 | vinitverma
Mch Adjust > Adjust Target > Laser Unit > Nozzle Position. Here the laser will automatically detect the centre of the nozzle. Remember - It'll give you the option of using a component for the test but DON'T use any component. Let it detect the centre
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 03 12:11:56 EDT 2007 | gmoritz
Any experience with the encoders and ball screws that drive the stage? We are seeing a pretty large y-drift from the 'top' to the 'bottom' of the board during x-travel. I've tried to measure this using the teach function and the x-drift from the sm