Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 16 15:23:09 EDT 2014 | davef
Search yamaha+motor here: http://www.smtnet.com/parts/
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 10:03:38 EST 2005 | meritajs
Hi, May be somebody know how we could adjust optical shaft encoder at YAMAHA 84 mounter Thank Peter
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 16 04:46:46 EDT 2014 | haiae
I'm looking for a new or used servo motor for my Yamaha YG100R PnP machine with original model: Q2GA04006VXS2C (Sanyo denki ) If anyone can offer it please contact me ASAP. Thanks & best regards,
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 18:58:38 EST 2005 | darby
What is the problem Peter? See a recent posting on a Y axis problem with the same style of machine. If the encoder is cactus, buy a new motor. Sorry, this is the only solution I know of.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 12 16:53:56 EDT 2012 | proy
I need a lCS hook motor for an "Xii" dual shuttle LCS. If anyone has an orphan dual shuttle LCS for Xii generation machines please email if I can purchase the part. Delivery is 3-4 wks, will order if I have to, but don't want to wait that long. PR
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 11:12:18 EDT 2015 | zombee
Problem is solved! There wasn't voltage on motor inputs (only 5-10V AC) when the motor connected correctly, but was ~210V AC without motor. Firstly, I exchanged the motor speed control relay (Panasonic G-series type), but the result was same. (the a
Electronics Forum | Sat May 06 06:19:36 EDT 2017 | rob
You could also try some of the 3D MID placement machines - some have dispense heads in with the placement heads, so theoretically you could place on the PCB paste, dispense on the terminals. and place the new part. Yamaha/I-Pulse do a couple: https:
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 10:53:29 EST 2018 | spoiltforchoice
Well the website says "Mounting capability (under optimum conditions as defined by Yamaha Motor)" which normally means if they cheat like mad and extrapolate to that number using the absolute fastest path from pick to place. How close you can get to
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 20 20:21:31 EDT 2022 | smtusa
I looked into Fuji but heard some horror stories of $50k firmware upgrades to get older machines to work with latest software. ASM doesn't come off as small business friendly. Panasonic is a possibility, I prefer platforms that don't force you to p
Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 08:24:57 EDT 2001 | caldon
Davis- From my understanding Amistar does not sell SMT equipment any more. Tenryu(Amistars machine) is now IPulse. http://www.ipulse.co.jp/ENG/ This is right from Amistars web page "On April 1, 2000, Tenryu Technics was acquired by i�PULSE, a whol