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Electronics Forum: zevac drs-24 price (Page 1 of 1)

BGA Rework Equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 17:18:25 EST 2007 | GS

Ask Air Vac (US) or Zevac for EU and ASIA. They have now a DRS-24 upgrading Kit for Leed-Free, main change is in the bottom heater. Air Vac- Zevac, made the ONIX series, the follow on of DRS models. Regards.....GS

Air-Vac DRS24

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 07:23:06 EDT 2005 | Ramon Urrutia

We are Global Sourcing Specialists Ltd, buyers and exporters of redundant stock. We have a Zevac DRS 24 and 22 for sale if you are interested. Please contact ramon.urrutia@btconnect.com or ring/fax:4401291423861 Both machines are in good working orde

Zevac BGA Rework DRS21C

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 30 17:13:36 EST 2007 | stevek

Not sure about that model, but I've used several DRS 22's and find them easier to use than the DRS24 I inherited at my current place. The lack of automation makes doing things yourself easier. The newer automated machines need more programming. I'


Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 11:30:14 EDT 1998 | Bob Barr

No, $60K is for the DRS-24 which has replaced the DRS-22. The 24 adds more bells and whistles, like motorized Z axis. I think they are pricing themselves out of the market, although I understand they are offering a stripped down 24 which is essenti

Need Help for CCGA Rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 15:26:43 EST 2005 | GS

Is it this your first experience of C-CGA RWK ? In order to approach a RWK of this kind of pakage it requires a capable process and clear operating procedure. In the past, the company who I use to work for, we rwkd plenty of this kind of CCGA. Earl

Re: opinion of these rework stations

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 12:51:55 EDT 1999 | Bob Barr

Never heard of the DRS-22C. I have had a DRS-22 for several years now. Purchased it when we started doing BGA's. The operators like it - good optics (split view), built like a tank, X-Y table easy to manipulate for alignment. I like it because I ca


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