Partner Websites: electro gold plating issues (Page 1 of 4)

J-STD-001 Revision Changes Regarding The Requirements for Gold Plating Removal - EPTAC - Train. Work


. Once the solder has solidified, those gold dendrites can act as stress risers and can initiate cracks within the solder joint. See IPC Listserv Technet for more information on gold, the gold plating processes and the reliability issues created by gold intermetallics

SolderTips: Solderability Issues with Nickle Plated Surfaces | EPTAC


: Solderability Issues with Nickle Plated Surfaces Question: We are working with components with leads of tin/lead over nickel. After the manufacturing processes, some of the pins are exhibiting what appears to be flaking plating, leaving behind unsolderable surfaces

SolderTips: Solderability Issues with Nickle Plated Surfaces - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed


: Solderability Issues with Nickle Plated Surfaces Question: We are working with components with leads of tin/lead over nickel. After the manufacturing processes, some of the pins are exhibiting what appears to be flaking plating, leaving behind unsolderable surfaces

SolderTips: Gold Removal and Wave Soldering vs Hand Soldering | EPTAC


2.54 micrometers or 100 micro-inches (.00001”) and from all components which will be hand soldered, regardless of gold thickness. The double tinning process is for tinning the components prior to soldering them, and the need is to dip those components in the solder pot twice to remove the gold plating

SolderTips: Gold Removal and Wave Soldering vs Hand Soldering - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed


2.54 micrometers or 100 micro-inches (.00001”) and from all components which will be hand soldered, regardless of gold thickness. The double tinning process is for tinning the components prior to soldering them, and the need is to dip those components in the solder pot twice to remove the gold plating

Tempered Leads, Class 3 Rework, Toe Fillets and More | EPTAC


. Definition of Class III Rework. Dissecting Toe Fillets on Gull Wing components. Understanding Gold Plating vs. Gold Flash. Course Length: 47 Minutes Cost: FREE Presenter(s): Leo Lambert Download PDF Presentation Watch On Demand More Webinars Flux Classification

Tempered Leads, Class 3 Rework, Toe Fillets and More - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed


. Definition of Class III Rework. Dissecting Toe Fillets on Gull Wing components. Understanding Gold Plating vs. Gold Flash. Have a question about training or IPC certification

Tempered Leads, Class 3 Rework, Toe Fillets and More - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed


. Definition of Class III Rework. Dissecting Toe Fillets on Gull Wing components. Understanding Gold Plating vs. Gold Flash.   More Webinars Flux Classification – Part 1

SolderTip #36: Wave Soldering Insufficient Fill and Voids in PTH - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succ


.   More SolderTips Solder Pot Maintenance and Dross Removal What’s with the expiration dates on solder paste or wire? Accept or Reject: Solder Contacting Component Bodies Issues of Burnt Flux on Class 3 PCB Assemblies Gold Removal Issues with Hollow Cup Connectors Have a question about training or IPC certification

SolderTips: Dealing with the Problems of Soldering Iron Tips Breaking Down | EPTAC


. Recent Posts Solder Pot Maintenance and Dross Removal What’s with the expiration dates on solder paste or wire? Accept or Reject: Solder Contacting Component Bodies Issues of Burnt Flux on Class 3 PCB Assemblies Gold Removal Issues with Hollow Cup Connectors Acceptability of Conformal Coating Bubbles Search Looking for Training Products? can help

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