GPD Global |
the host. Event notification may be disabled or enabled as desired. Data reports may be linked to events. Communication Failure A communication failure is said to occur when an established communications link is broken. In a SECS-I environment, this
Heller Industries Inc. |
described in the next section, the shear force of samples where the component failed were not considered. Only the shear force data with solder joint fracture were analyzed. Table 3. Shear tester parameters Parameters Settings Range 20 Kg Test Speed 8.00 mil
Heller Industries Inc. |
described in the next section, the shear force of samples where the component failed were not considered. Only the shear force data with solder joint fracture were analyzed. Table 3. Shear tester parameters Parameters Settings Range 20 Kg Test Speed 8.00 mil
. With the direct data connectivity of the internet, devices can be synchronized to optimize their performance. Further, with internet connection, devices can receive software and firmware updates automatically
. With the direct data connectivity of the internet, devices can be synchronized to optimize their performance. Further, with internet connection, devices can receive software and firmware updates automatically
. With the direct data connectivity of the internet, devices can be synchronized to optimize their performance. Further, with internet connection, devices can receive software and firmware updates automatically
. With the direct data connectivity of the internet, devices can be synchronized to optimize their performance. Further, with internet connection, devices can receive software and firmware updates automatically
. With the direct data connectivity of the internet, devices can be synchronized to optimize their performance. Further, with internet connection, devices can receive software and firmware updates automatically
. With the direct data connectivity of the internet, devices can be synchronized to optimize their performance. Further, with internet connection, devices can receive software and firmware updates automatically
. With the direct data connectivity of the internet, devices can be synchronized to optimize their performance. Further, with internet connection, devices can receive software and firmware updates automatically
The SMTA membership is a network of professionals who build skills, share practical experience and develop solutions in electronic assembly technologies and related business operations.
Training Provider / Events Organizer / Association / Non-Profit
6600 City W Pkwy
Eden Prairie, MN USA
Phone: 952-920-7682