Industry Directory: difference among ipc pcb class 1

San Francisco Circuits

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer / Manufacturer's Representative

San Francisco Circuits, located in San Mateo, CA strives on bridging PCB concepts with reality, focusing on high technology advanced boards. They provide both PCB manufacturing and PCB assembly through a strong network of partners


Industry Directory | Manufacturer

We specialize in Flex PCBs, Ridgid Flex, Long Flex PCBs and RF (radio frequency) Boards. Our engineering team has seen it all.

Circuit Technology Inc.

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer / Research Institute / Laboratory / School / Standards Setting / Certification / Training Provider

Our mission is to improve our customers' PCB processes and increase their bottom line. Our objective is not only to provide your team with a certification, but more importantly, with the skills necessary to excel at their job.

Midwest Printed Circuit Services, Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

MPCS is a 100% American made PCB supplier. A technology leader in the manufacture of high reliability printed circuit boards. From simple product to high layer count multilayers, flex, rigid-flex, heat sinks and metal cores.


Industry Directory | Manufacturer


Videoton Informatika KFT

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

Contract manufacturer, complete service for assembled boards.


difference among ipc pcb class 1, 2, 3 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)
Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

IPC is the trade association for the printed wiring board and electronics assembly industries.

Training Provider / Events Organizer / Association / Non-Profit

3000 Lakeside Drive, 309 S
Bannockburn, IL USA

Phone: 847-615-7100

consignment program

High Throughput Reflow Oven

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
Thermal Interface Material Dispensing

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
Fully Automatic BGA Rework Station

Reflow Soldering Oven & Pressure Curing Oven Manufacturer in India