Industry Directory: flexes (Page 1 of 24)

XPCB Limited

XPCB Limited

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

XPCB is a PCB manufacturer with superior expertise in multilayer rigid-flex PCB and flex PCB, supporting special technology including VIPPO, stacked vias, buried vias, blind vias, unsymmetrical structure, and air gap structure.

Imagineering, Inc.

Imagineering, Inc.

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

Since 1986, our focus on delivering quality PCB's and Assemblies hasn't changed. Our top priority has always been to understand what the customer values, evaluate their needs and deliver the best-in-class service and products.

Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Hitechpcba is a wоrld-lеаding PCB Manufacturing & PCB Assembly company with more than 20 years experience in the electronics manufacturing industry. We focus on Circuit board fabrication, PCB assembly, electronic parts sourcing.


Industry Directory |

Flexlink is a leading global supplier of production process automation systems to a broad spectrum of industries.


Industry Directory | Manufacturer's Representative

Trade-Flex is an asset management company specializing in PCB assembly equipment. We offer flexible programs for managing or transfering your surplus equipment and can handle your needs from orderly liquidation to online auctions.


Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

A-Flex is an all-inclusive PCB design and manufacturing company. For over 17 years, we have provided quality services related to PCB layout, design, and manufacturing to customers belonging to various sectors and industries.

IPC Cal flex Inc

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

We are a flex circuit board manufacturer and assembler

Flex Interconnect Technologies

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

Designer, manufacturer and assembler of quickturn protoype to high volume production of flex circuits, rigid-flex and HDI flex circuits

Royal Flex Circuits

Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions

U.S.-based electronic circuit board company with 100+ combined years of experience in manufacturing high quality flex and rigid-flex PCBs. We can build complex jobs like no-one else! Contact 562-404-0626.

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flexes searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

SMT feeders

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