Career Center - Jobs: *dek 265 (Page 1 of 1)

Manufacturing Engineer/Technician

Career Center | Lichfield, Staffordshire United Kingdom | Engineering,Maintenance,Technical Support

UNITED KINGDOM - Staffordshire. Tel - (01543) 444 777 Fax - (01543) 444 511 Manufacturing Engineer/Technician required. Experience of Surface Mount and Thru-hole processes essential. Knowledge of the following equipment w

Ademco Microtech Limited

SMT Maintenance Tech/Engineer

Career Center | Santa Clara, California USA | Maintenance

Coordinator and/or perform preventive maintenance/programming on SMT equipment. Troubleshooting, data analysis, root cause analysis, train SMT machine operators, follow and improve manufacturing processes. Must be familiar with DEK265 Printer, Fuji C

Coast Personnel Services

SMT Programmer/Operator

Career Center | North Attleboro, Massachusetts USA | Production

SMT Programmer/Operator  1st Shift 1.) Programming set-up and operation of SMT equipment for production. 2.) Troubleshooting and maintaining of feeders. 3.) Proficient in the soldering and de-soldering of surface mount and through hold componen

Star Engineering


*dek 265 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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Selective Soldering Nozzles

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Voidless Reflow Soldering

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